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Title: Продуктивність маточних кущів клонових підщеп яблуні, створених традиційно та способом окулірування на сіянці яблуні домашньої в умовах НВЦ Білоцерківського НАУ
Other Titles: Performance of mother maternity nursery bushes of apple clonal rootstocks created traditionally and trough apple seedlings inoculation in the TSRC of Bila Tserkva NAU
Authors: Роговський, Сергій Володимирович
Rogovskiy, Sergei
Keywords: клон;clone;підщепа;rootstock;яблуня;apple;відсадки;stools;продуктивність;productivity;поросль;growth;приживлюваність;survival
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Білоцерківський НАУ
Citation: Роговський С.В. Продуктивність маточних кущів клонових підщеп яблуні, створених традиційно та способом окулірування на сіянці яблуні домашньої в умовах НВЦ Білоцерківського НАУ / С.В. Роговський // Агробіологія: зб. наук. праць. - Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2017. - №1. - С.146-151.
Series/Report no.: Агробіологія №1, 2017;С. 146-151
Abstract: Досліджено продуктивність маточних кущів клонових підщеп яблуні створених традиційно та способом окулірування на сіянці яблуні домашньої в умовах НВЦ Білоцерківського НАУ. Показано, що в умовах без штучного зрошення маточні кущі щеп порівняно з контролем характеризуються більшою інтенсивністю росту та вищим виходом стандартних відсадків у порівнянні із кущами створеними із кореневласних відсадків. Відмінності в рості карликових, напівкарликових і середньорослих підщеп зберігалися. З досліджуваних клонів найвищою продуктивністю характеризувалися маточні кущі клонів 54-118, ММ-106 і 62-396, а найнижчою М-9. За регулярного догляду і видалення дикої порослі на щеплених кущах засмічення плантації нетиповими підщепами не спостерігалося.
Description: Performance of mother maternity nursery bushes of apple clonal rootstocks created traditionally and by their inoculation on apple seedlings in the TSRC of Bila Tserkva NAU has been studied. It has been revealed that rootstocks nursery bushes under conditions without irrigation have a higher growth intensity compared with the control, and they also have higher yields of standard stools, compared with the shrubs originated from rooted stools. Differences in the growth of dwarf, semi-dwarf and middle height rootstocks were observed. Of the clones studied the highest performance was observed in 54-118, MM-106 and 62-396 nursery bushes clone, and the lowest one – in M-9 nursery bushes clone. No plantations clogging with atypical rootstock was observed under regular maintenance and removal of wild shoots on the grafted bushes. Modern horticulture is based on intensive technologies with dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks playing a key role, whereby apple tree plants have a much smaller nourishing area and crown size and start their generative development phase in 2-3 years after planting the garden. This allows to obtain higher yields per area unit and improve substantially the economic efficiency of the fruit producing efficiency. Special experiment was conducted to compare nursery bushes created by stools and by grafting. The object of the study were mother maternity nursery bushes of MM-106 dwarf apple clones – medium growth rootstocks, M-26 and 54-118 – semi-dwarf and M-9 and 62-396 dwarf rootstocks (factor A) obtained by stools (control) and by grafting on home apple seedlings with grafting area planted into 8-10 cm depth hollow (factor B). The experiment was conducted according to the IP method of NAAS of Ukraine. The planting scheme was as follows: row spacing – 1.1 m, the distance between the mother maternity plants in a row – 0.4 m, variants options were systematical. 5 mother maternity bushes were studied in each variant with fourfold experiment repetition. Agrotechnical farming practices were traditional and comprised weeding, hilling, pruning at the end of the first year of vegetation in order to form mother maternity bushes. Wild shoots that grew from the cultivated apple trees roots occasionally was cut off systematically. Growth rate in mother plants on their own roots was lower in the first year after planting than that in the clones grafted on home apple seedlings, and the plants survival was higher in the former. Stools were not separated in the first year of the mother maternity nursery and vegetative shoots were cut in order to stimulate more active shoot formation. At the very beginning of the next growing season differences in shoots number, restore and growth intensity of nursery bushes was observed in the clones. Nursery bushes of absolutely all clones in the variants of grafting on seedlings grew more intensively. During the growing season nursery bushes were weeded and hilled three times. First hilling was conducted in June 26, the second – in July 20, and the third – in September 5. Opportune hilling contributed to the formation of shoots roots, though not all the shoots rooted due to lack of moisture and high temperature in summer. The capacity – the number of standard stools obtained from a mother bush, was the best in 54-118, 62-396 and MM.106 clones and lowest – in M.9 clone. The nursery bushes performance was slightly higher the variants with using rootstocks that had rooted root system of cultivated apple. Mother plants obtained by method of grafting on home apple seedlings in the clones of 54-118, M.26, MM.106 62-394 were significantly superior the nursery bushes created by planting rooted stools in terms of their productivity. This can be explained by higher drought resistance the shrubs that can receive moisture from bigger depths.
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