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Title: Features of Food Security of the Country in Conditions of Economic Instability
Other Titles: Особливості продовольчої безпеки країни в умовах економічної нестабільності
Authors: Kaletnik, Grygorii
Калетнік, Григорій Миколайович
Shubravska, Olena
Шубравська, Олена Василівна
Ibatullin, Marat
Ібатуллін, Марат Ільдусович
Krysanov, Dmytro
Крисанов, Дмитро Федосович
Starychenko, Yevhenii
Стариченко, Євгеній Михайлович
Tkachenko, Kateryna
Ткаченко, Катерина Віталіївна
Varchenko, Olha
Варченко, Ольга Олександрівна
Keywords: Food Security;продовольча безпека;Household Income;доходи домашніх господарств;Indicators of Adequacy of Food Consumption;показники адекватності споживання їжі;Rational Consumption Rates;раціональні ставки споживання
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Features of Food Security of the Country in Conditions of Economic Instability / G. M. Kaletnik, O.V. Shubravska, M. I. Ibatullin and at. // Int. J. Manag. Bus. Res. - 2019. - Vol. 9 (4). - P. 176-186.
Abstract: The article shows that the level of actual production over the consumption of basic foodstuffs is exceeded, however, the level of production did not reach the threshold (80% of the rational norm) for the main types of livestock products. Consumption of meat and meat products per person in 2017 amounted to 51.4 kg, which is less than the rational norm (80 kg) by 28.6 kg, and milk and dairy products per person person for the year in 2017 - 200 kg, with a scientifically substantiated rate - 380 kg. Exceeding the threshold of import in the volume of consumption by the population are fishery products, fruit and berry products, vegetable oil of all kinds - respectively 75,4, 38,1 and 30,5%. It is estimated that average monthly total household expenditures in 2017 amounted to UAH 5720, which is 16% more than in 2016. The most significant item of total household expenditures in 2017 was food expenditures - 48%, according to food security indicators. the criterion is 60%. It has been analyzed that after the increase until 2014, there was a decrease in calorie intake in 2017 to 2707 kcal per day. Although higher than the 2500 kcal limit, this diet should be provided at 55% for animal products, but now only 29%. An integrated assessment of the state of food security based on the methodology of integral assessment of the level of economic security of the state and calculation of a global indicator of food security of international organizations is offered. The calculation of the integrated indicator takes into account the availability of available information and the maximum approximation to the features of calculations of food security indicators at the national level, which includes the following components: economic accessibility, physical security, sufficiency of consumption. According to the integrated indicator, the food security situation is characterized as satisfactory.
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