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Title: Поліморфізм гена BоLа-DRB3 в української чорно-рябої молочної худоби
Other Titles: BOLA-DRB3 gene polymorphism in ukrainian black and white dairy cattle
Authors: Дубін, Олексій Вікторович
Dubin, Oleksii
Keywords: BoLa-DRB3.2;ПЛР-ПДРФ;алельна різноманітність;українська чорно-ряба молочна порода великої рогатої худоби;allelic diversity;Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed of cattle.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Дубін О.В. Поліморфізм гена BоLа-DRB3 в української чорно-рябої молочної худоби / О.В.Дубін // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013 .- Вип.10(105) .- С. 25-28.
Abstract: Вперше в Україні проведено аналіз алельної різноманітності 2 екзону гена гістосумісності бичачих (BoLa-DRB3.2) у стаді великої рогатої худоби української чорно-рябої молочної породи СТОВ «Агросвіт». За використання методу ПЛР-ПДРФ аналізу виявлено 9 алелів цього гена: BoLA-DRB3.2*03, *07, *15, *16, *19, *22, *23, *24 та *25. Встанов-лено, що у генотипах досліджених тварин переважали 4 алелі, частка яких становила 73,5 % від загальної кількості детектованих алелів: DRB3*16 (23,5 %), *24 (20,6 %), *03 (14,7 %) та *15 (14,7 %). Високий рівень гомозиготності дос-лідженої вибірки тварин за геном BoLa-DRB3, про що свідчить позитивне значення індексу інбридингу (F=0,511), мо-же вказувати на зниження адаптаційного потенціалу стада, а відтак, про необхідність практичного впровадження генетичної експертизи худоби за цим геном.
Description: Advances in molecular genetics allow to characterize the genetic processes that occur in natural or artificial populations and conduct targeted selection of animals with desirable traits. Nowadays the technology of genetic markers (MAS - Marker– Assisted Selection) is actively used by Ukrainian scientists for analysis, mainly genes of quantitative traits associated with indi-cators of dairy and meat productivity of cattle. Less attention is paid to genetic markers that define the resistance of animals to infectious diseases. This type of genetic markers is genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which according to modern views is a key element of the immune response in all vertebrates. This is the first report in Ukraine for analyzing the polymorphism of BoLa-DRB gene by PCR–RFLP techniques (Poly-merase Chain Reaction – Restriction Length Polymorphism). The second exon of the bovine Major Histocompatibility Com-plex class II DRB3 gene was amplified by PCR from 30 DNA samples of Ukrainian black and white dairy cattle. Bovine DNA was isolated from aliquots of whole blood. A one–step PCR with primers HLO30 and HLO32 followed by digestion with re-striction endonucleases RsaI, HaeIII and BstYI was conducted. In most cases restriction analysis of PCR products was per-formed by 2 endonucleases: RsaI and HaeIII. Endonuclease BstYI was applied only in cases of identical molecular size of DNA restriction patterns obtained by RsaI and HaeIII digestion of PCR fragments. Some difficulties were encountered in determining the appropriate molecular size of restriction fragments which differs only by one–three nucleotides and typing of alleles with deletion (for example alleles DRB3 *08 and DRB3 *07) by using 7 % PAGE. In these cases the precise molecular size was determinate by 12 % PAGE. In the studied herd of Ltd «Agrosvit» there were found 9 alleles of BoLa-DRB3gene: DRB3*03, *07, *15, *16, *19, *22, *23, *24 and *25. Our study showed that frequency of four alleles accounted for 75 % of the alleles in population: DRB3*16 (24 %), *24 (21 %), *03 (15 %) and *15 (15 %). Alleles DRB3*23, *25, *22 *19 was detected only in some animals with a frequency no more than 6 %. In the studied population the frequency of BoLa-DRB3 genotypes reliably differed from the equi-librium state of Hardy-Weinberg due to excess of homozygous genotypes (P<0.001). The main parameters of the genetic variability of studied herds were estimated based on the calculation of allelic frequen-cies: effective number of alleles (ne) – 6,352; informative Shannon index (I) – 1,985; Wright’s inbreeding index (F) – 0,511; expected and observed heterozygosity – 0,843 and 0,412 respectively. The obtained results allow estimating in studied herd: the level of genetic variability for the BoLa-DRB3 gene; predict possible changes the genetic variability by the use the data in se-lection work with herd ; carry out the genetic monitoring of alleles diversity. In the studied herd of Ukrainian black and white dairy cattle breed, despite of small number of animals, we saw the trend towards the predominance of some alleles (DRB3*16, *24, *03 *15). The results of allele’s distribution in the investigated herd were in good agreement with previous studies performed in Holstein cattle for the most predominant alleles. Only one allele (DRB3*15) which encountered in herd with high frequency (up to 15 %) is not typical for the Holstein cattle. It should also be noted the high level of homozygosity of studied Ukrainian black and white dairy cattle breed as shows the high positive value Wright’s inbreeding index (F=0,511). The low level of allele’s diversity of BoLa-DRB gene may negatively affect in the future on adaptation capabilities of animals and their productive qualities. In the breeding work is recommended to choose bulls with genotypes of BoLa-DRB3 alleles which are not often occur in the genotype of herds. The obtained results show the necessity of using this type of genetic markers in breeding practice to improve the general level of genetic diversity and animals resistance to infectious diseases.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 636.082:575
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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