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Title: Динаміка змін фізичних параметрів кровотворних органів коропа впродовж вегетаційного періоду
Other Titles: Dynamics of changes in physical parameters of carp’s blood forming organs during vegetation period
Authors: Клименко, Олег Миколайович
Klimenko, Oleg
Куновський, Юрій Володимирович
Kunovskii, Yrii
Присяжнюк, Наталія Михайлівна
Prysiazhniuk, Nataliia
Михальський, Олег Ральфович
Mikhalskii, Oleg
Гейко, Леонід Миколайович
Geiko, Leonid
Keywords: гомеостаз;селезінка;морфологічні параметри;вегетаційний період;кровотворні органи;однорічки;лускатий короп;homeostasis;spleen;morphological parameters;vegetation period;blood-forming organs;scaly carp
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Динаміка змін фізичних параметрів кровотворних органів коропа впродовж вегетаційного періоду / О.М.Клименко, Ю.В.Куновський, Н.М.Присяжнюк та ін. // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013 .- Вип.10(105) .- С. 44-47.
Abstract: Вивчено вплив абіотичних чинників на зміну маси та лінійних розмірів кровотворних органів лускатого коропа упро-довж вегетаційного періоду. Об’єктом досліджень були кровотворні органи однорічок лускатого коропа. Печінку, селезінку та нирки відбирали в однорічок лускатого коропа впродовж досліджуваного періоду методом розтину черевної порожнини. Для вивчення лінійних та вагових показників кровотворних органів коропа використовували морфометричні та біометричні методи. Суттєвих закономірностей впливу абіотичних чинників на фізичні показники кровотворних органів коропа не вияв-лено. Індекси печінки, нирок і селезінки зменшувалися або мали тенденцію до зменшення.
Description: The study of immune homeostasis in the fish body, primarily due to the study of adaptation mechanisms to physical and geographical environment factors, biotic relationships, space usage, reproduction and successful coexistence with other organ-isms in the ecosystem. Comparison of these characteristics makes it possible to approach the explanation of differences between populations and the role of individual populations in the functioning of ecosystems. In the process of aging the leading factor that leads to this process, consider changes of the structure and function of bi-opolymers. Most facts suggest that with age there is a change of physical - chemical structures of proteins. However, the specif-ic mechanisms of change and their effects on protein metabolism is unknown. The important role in the formation of protein structure higher levels play amide groups, which content changes in some proteins in the individual development of an organ-ism. In most fish species, unlike terrestrial mammals, periods of active feeding are followed by long winter starvation, which significantly affects the anabolic and catabolic processes. Thus in summer fish organism formes the main bulk of organic compounds, while in winter the intensity of flexible me-tabolism drastically slows growth. The aim of research was to determine the changes of morphological parameters of blood-forming organs of carp fish under the influence of abiotic factors during its growing. The object of the study were blood-forming organs of one year old scaly carp. Liver, spleen and kidneys were taken from one year old scaly carp during the growing season by opening the abdominal cavity. We studied the linear and weight figures of carp’s blood-forming organs. For our studies we used conventional morphometric and biometric methods. During the growing season the renal volume was increased by 6, 12 times. According to study, conducted in the initial period, the level of liver index was relatively high and amounted to 3,82. Later, during the growing season it ranged from 2,78 to 2,88. With rise of water temperature during the growing season, the feeding activity of fish increases, the rate of nutrients utili-zation from food is also increased, thus stimulating flexible metabolism. It is known that fish, that exists in the low temperature environment, significantly slows down its metabolism and moving reactions, it also reduces the oxygen consumption. To main-tain the life process during this period relatively low, the fish does not need a lot of energy. Minimum energy needs are satisfied by glycolysis, which enables them to more economical use of energy substances, accumulated during the growing season, and use it in unfavourable conditions (e.g. long winter stay). Analysing the morphometric parameters of carp spleen, we found its increase during the growing season, proved by the calculation of the body index. Thus, analyzing the dynamics of changes in the parameters of blood-forming organs in one year old scaly carps during the growing season, we found that the steady increase of absolute mass, linear dimensions and volumes of the kidneys, liver and spleen, is the evidence of blood depositing due to water temperature decrease at the growing season end. Similar patterns relative to other physical parameters (density, index) were not observed. The indexes of liver, kidney and spleen decreased or tended to decrease , indicating the development of adaptive mechanisms in the fish body.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 639.31
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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