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Title: Methodical approaches to the forecast of meat market development
Other Titles: Методичні підходи до прогнозування розвитку ринку продукції м'ясного скотарства
Authors: Shust, Olena
Шуст, Олена Анатоліївна
Keywords: market;ринок;meat production;виробництво м'яса;state regulation;державне регулювання
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет, Хмельницький економічний університет, Інститут економіки, технологій і підприємництва, Національна академія аграрних наук України, Інститут кормів та сільського господарства Поділля
Citation: Shust O. Methodical approaches to the forecast of meat market development / O. Shust // Інноваційна економіка. - 2016. - №5-6. - С.142-146.
Description: The cattle production is formed mainly under the influence of businesses, market factors and public regulation. These parameters include meat production and its intensity level; products output volume per unit of resources used and cost; products distribution structure according to use type and marketing channels. Estimating the cattle production during the reform years, it can be said that the market concept of economic development has brought the branch to the edge of survival. The most important indexes for production potential of the branch – the cattle number and products output – have considerably decreased. Thus, during 2004-2014 the cattle number decreased by 43,7% or 3019 thousand heads in all types of businesses, and the beef production by 37,3% (245 thousand t) [1]. Such changes give ground to assume that the meat production market in Ukraine is far from its good condition. On the one hand, the meat production market needs efficient tools from the state, that would enable its intense development, and on the other hand, when planning the macroeconomic indexes, it is necessarily to take into account the development trends of each economy branch, including agriculture with animal husbandry. Taking this into account and with regard to the changes in the animal husbandry during last decade, the meat production market is an important research direction for the scientists.
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 338.439:637.562
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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