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Title: Ефективність використання силосу, консервованого мікробним інокулянтом у годівлі дійних корів
Other Titles: The corn silage for dairy cows feeding with the inoculants usage
Authors: Чернюк, Сергій Васильович
Chernyuk, Sergii
Загородній, Андрій Петрович
Zahorodnii, Andrii
Keywords: кормовиробництво;мікробні закваски;силос;консервант;силосування;інокулянт;лактація;раціон;надій;feed production;microbial ferments;silage;conservant;preserving agent;ensilement;inoculant;lactation;ration;milk yield
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Чернюк С.В. Ефективність використання силосу, консервованого мікробним інокулянтом у годівлі дійних корів / С.В.Чернюк, А.П.Загородній // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наук. праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2015 .- Вип.2(120) .- С. 168 – 171.
Abstract: Наведено результати дослідження ефективності застосування мікробного консерванту 11С33 у силосуванні. Встановлено, що застосування інокулянту 11С33 для консервування кукурудзяного силосу у дозі 1 г на 1 т силосної маси є ефективним та дозволяє одержати силос високої якості. Використання препарату забезпечує зниження втрат сухої речовини на рівні 6,8 % проти 19,8 % у контролі та створює оптимальне кислотне середовище, необхідне для пригнічення розвитку гнилісної мікрофлори в кормі. Застосування мікробного препарату під час силосування кукурудзи дозволило збільшити виробництво молока за лактацію у розрахунку на одну голову на 419,7 кг.
Description: The important things for the further animal husbandry branch intensification are the food production growth, the food quality increasing and their cost reducing at the same time. We should pay attention to the vital point of the normalized and balanced feeding for cows with the own production site. The feed quality due to the slow implementation of progressive forage technologies is low. The crucial application is put down in the usage of such methods of harvesting and feed storage. This can be provided with its fully preserving things and keeping its physiological features as well. The minimum labor costs and the material meanings should be done during this period. However, when we make the bulky feed there can be some problems. This can even occur under good weather condi-tions. Because, there is the unknown microbiological composition of the epiphytic microflora what can be observed on the plant growing reproductive stage. Moreover, we do not know how this microflora will work during the preserving period. The end result of the process that occur in the raw material what is preserved with the epiphytic microflora is not predictable. Now our researches pay attention to the inoculants developing. Those inoculants should contain the needed lactic acid bacte-ria in silage. The homofermentative bacterium produces the lactic acid that has a good taste for ruminants. Therefore, we need to search the effective inoculants in order to increase the nutrients preservation during the silage corn harvesting. The research of the impact on the milk productivity of cows is so important nowadays. The work objective was to study the efficiency of inoculants during the corn silage making period. The cows’ milk pro-duction research was done as well. The trials have been done on the white-and-black cattle breeding farm PSP ‘Geysys’ke’, Stavysche district, Kyiv region. The first silage samples were selected in October. Analysis of the chemical composition of the corn silage without in-oculants showed that there were 14,7 % of the dry matter more and 1,7 % of protein more than in the silage with inoculants accordingly. The active silo acidity was at the level of 3,50–3,66. Secondary silage samples were taken in early May. They noted the dry matter decrease in both samples. There were 23,7 g of protein in comparison with the 20,8 g of protein in the traditional silage. This meant that we obtained 13,9 % more than in the traditional making silage. The results of trials showed that we got the mature silage with inoculants and the protein level was increased by 3,5 % comparing to the traditional silage where that level was decreased by 10,7 %. The silage active acidity with 11C33 inoculant was at the level of 4,10 and it provided the needed mold inhibition in the feed. There were the feeding rations developed for the getting of the optimum level of milk productivity. During the whole tri-al period we followed the relevant animal feeding parameters. There were 208 MJ of the metabolic energy at the rate of 205 MJ and the digestible protein – 2043 g at the rate of 2020 g. The dry matter specific weight was at the level of 36,4 %. There were 112 g of digestible protein spent on 1 feed unit. The milk productivity accounting showed the difference among silage feeding technologies. It has been most clearly seen when we used 11C33 inoculant. The inclusion of this preparation helped to increase the milk production of cows. Having the same feeding and housing conditions we could see that the milk yield for 305 days of lactation was higher 3,8% in the group where we used 11C33 inoculant than in the control group of dairy cows. The cows’ milk productivity increasing was obtained thanking to the better nutrients preservation and its digestibility. Because, Lactobacillus buchneris train (11C33 inoculant) produces the specific esterase enzymes that release polysaccharides cellulose lignin complex. Cleavage of the polysaccharides cellulose lignin complex changes the three-dimensional structure and it gives access for the rumen bacteria. Having this opportunity they speed up the cellulose digestibility. There was not found the significant difference between the milk fat mass fraction and the milk protein. The inoculants usage is the real positive method in the silage making technology. This leads to the decreasing of the dry matter losses and the protein increasing level during the maturing process. DuPont Pioneer brand 11C33 inoculants utilization increased the lactation milk yield by 419,7 kg of milk per a head. The silage impact on the milk fat and protein indexes was not observed in this case.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 636.2.034:636.085.52
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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