Будь ласка, використовуйте цей ідентифікатор, щоб цитувати або посилатися на цей матеріал:
Назва: | Аналіз даних епізоотичних спалахів сибірки на території України (період 1994–2016 рр.) |
Інші назви: | Data analysis epizootic outbreaks of anthrax in Ukraine (1994–2016) |
Автори: | Рубленко, Ірина Олександрівна Rublenko, Iryna Скрипник, Валерій Григорович Skripnik, Valeriy |
Ключові слова: | сибірка;тварини;епізоотична ситуація;поширення, спалахи;аналіз;ризик;anthrax;flashes;epizootic;situation;distribution;analysis;animals;risk |
Дата публікації: | 2016 |
Видавництво: | БНАУ |
Бібліографічний опис: | Рубленко І.О. Аналіз даних епізоотичних спалахів сибірки на території України (період 1994–2016 рр.) / І.О. Рубленко, В.Г. Скрипник // Наук. вісник вет. медицини: зб-к наук. праць. - Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2016. - Вип. 1 (127).- С.87-95. |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | Наведені результати досліджень щодо кількості випадків спалахів сибірки з 1994 до жовтня 2016 рр. Встановлено, що протягом цього періоду кількість випадків захворювання та кількість хворих та сибірку тварин на території України зменшується. Проте загроза спалахів залишається у зв’язку з великою кількістю скотомогильників та неналежного їх утримання. Впродовж 21 року найвищий відсоток хворих тварин відмічали в Волинській (21,17 %), а найнижчий – у Тернопільській (0,16 %), відсутність – у Житомирській областях. Слід вважати небезпечними щодо майбутніх спалахів сибірки насамперед Вінницьку, Черкаську, Хмельницьку, Харківську, Одеську та Київську області. Епізоотичні дані випадків сибірки в різних областях України дають можливість прогнозувати можливість виникнення нових спалахів на цих територіях та визначати райони з підвищеним ризиком. |
Опис: | Anthrax is a zoonotic disease, which continues to register in traditionally endemic regions. This indicates a constant threat of this disease. Anthrax Outbreaks observed in many countries of Europe, Asia and other regions of the globe. Thus, it must be noted about the need to monitor the spread of outbreaks, with the purpose of forecasting of epizootic situation, prevent the emergence and spread of anthrax. It should be noted that after the increase of the number of sick animals observed a sharp decline. A similar amplitude observed in 1999–2000 (in 1999, the number of sick animals reached 123 around the country, and in 2000 the number of dropped to 75). In 2001, there were 14 cases of anthrax in Kyiv region reported cases among men was 7, particularly in Chervone village and the Lozoviy Yar of Yagotyn district. As in 2002, among the animals, has been found 4 cases, including one in the village of Krasne Zgurìvs District. However, given the presence in the area of 485 permanently-dysfunctional on anthrax points and 583 disposal (including 439 – current), of which a large part does not meet veterinary-sanitary requirements, not excluded, and by this time the possibility of complications of the situation. Over time, the number of patients on anthrax animals keeps decreasing and from 2008 to 2009 in Ukraine sick animals were notfound. In 2011, was registered only one case of animal diseases. In 2012, there were only 3 anthrax outbreaks among animals: in Cherkassy Region (2) and Zaporozhe (1). During the research (21 years) diseases are not registered in Zhitomir region. At the same time registered 1 case of disease of 1 animal in the Ternopol region. The largest number of sick animals per year observed in Volyn (125 animals, 1994), Luhansk (58 animals, 1994), Kherson (99 animals, 1999), Odessa (48 animals, 2000), Kyiv (41 animals, 2001). The largest percentage of the number of sick livestock anthrax animal from the total number of patients (633 animals for 21 years and 3 months) in Ukraine comes from 1994 till 2016 to the Volyn (animals 134) – 21.17 %, Odessa (animals 73) – 11.53, Kherson (75 animals) – 11.85, Luhansk (69 animals) – 10.9, Kyiv (52 animals) area – 8.21 %. As a percentage ratio of the highest level of the number of cases of anthrax among animals was in Vinnitsa (10.28 %), Cherkassy (8), Luhansk (7.43) Khmelnitsky (7.43), Volyn (6.9), Odessa 96.86) and Kharkov (6.86 %) areas. The last case of the anthrax disease in animal was registered 19.03.2016 year in meat sows, which held in a subsidiary farm village Chuguev Cuguev district of Kharkov region. The experts of the veterinary service removed remains of meat and fat of a sick animal. 17 persons who contacted and used products were found to medical surveillance. Signs of disease are not found in them. Previous cases of this territory have been registered in the village of Maspanovo Cuguevskov area in 1998. Thus, from 1994 to October 2016, the number of cases and the number of sick animals and anthrax, but the threat of an outbreak of anthrax remains in touch with lots of disposal of animals and improper their content. During 21 years with the highest percentage of sick animals observed in Volyn (21.17 %) and, as the smallest – in Ternopol (0.16 %), lack of – in volunteering. In our country, epizootic control process for disease anthrax held by immunization of livestock, but this disease is constantly reminding them in the region. According to the research, the number of cases of outbreaks of anthrax in recent years, in Ukraine has decreased, but this is not a sign of decreasing in the future. Epizootic situation of these anthrax cases in different regions of Ukraine make it possible to predict the possibility of new outbreaks in the territories and to identify areas of high risk. Should be considered candidates for future outbreaks primarily is Vinnitsa, Cherkassy, Khmelnitsky, Odessa, Kharkov and Kiev region. In our country control of epizootic disease process on anthrax is made by active immunization of susceptible livestock, but outbreaks of the disease occur regularly in a particular region. According to the research, the number of outbreaks of anthrax in recent years in Ukraine has decreased, but this is not a reduction in the future. Epizootic data anthrax cases in different regions of Ukraine make it possible to predict the possibility of new outbreaks in these areas and identify areas at risk. It should be considered unsafe for future outbreaks of anthrax first Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Khmelnitsky, Odessa, Kharkiv and Kyiv region. In the future, further research is planned to study these epizootic outbreaks of anthrax in Ukraine and other countries. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | http://rep.btsau.edu.ua/handle/BNAU/3232 |
ISSN: | 2310-4902 |
УДК: | 619:616.98:579.852.11СБ”1994/2015 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Наукові публікації |
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