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Title: Застосування митно-тарифних і нетарифних інструментів в державному регулюванні зовнішньої торгівлі
Other Titles: Application of custom tariff and non-tariff instruments in state regulation of foreign trade
Применение таможенно-тарифных и нетарифных инструментов в государственном регулировании внешней торговли
Authors: Лобунець, Вікторія Іллівна
Lobunets, Viktoria
Малік, Євгенія Олександрівна
Malik, Evgeniya
Keywords: зовнішня торгівля;foreign trade;внешняя торговля;державне регулювання;government regulation;государственное регулирование;тарифні і нетарифні обмеження;tariff and non-tariff restrictions;тарифные и нетарифные ограничения;тарифне квотування;tariff quotas;тарифное квотирование;тарифний індекс обмеження торгівлі;tariff trade restriction index;тарифный индекс ограничения торговли
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Abstract: Розглянуто інструментарій заходів державного регулювання зовнішньої торгівлі з деталізацією тарифних і нетарифних обмежень. Доведено доцільність застосування тарифного квотування як методу регулювання апробованого практикою країн ЄС. Проведено аналіз показників регулювання міжнародної торгівлі та розраховано тарифний індекс обмеження торгівлі для країн ЄС та України. Розроблено рекомендації щодо розвитку зовнішньоторговельного співробітництва України за рахунок удосконалення заходів тарифного і нетарифного регулювання. Measures of foreign trade state regulation with specification of tariff and non-tariff restrictions have been considered. It was identified that Ukrainian producers are constantly faced inefficiency of the tools of administrative influence from the Government of Ukraine and direct and hidden techniques from partners. We determined advisability of the research related with the imperfect state policy on foreign trade regulation and the need to assess the impact of customs tariff and non-tariff measures to restrict trade relationship of Ukraine. The objective of the research is the need to detect features of customs-tariff and non-tariff instruments application in the modern mechanism of foreign trade state regulation of Ukraine and by analyzing the measures used to find out the real state of liberalization of international trade with its positioning as the direction of public policy in the European Union and Ukraine. Materials of the research were scientific works of famous domestic and foreign scholars covering various aspects of trade and political measures of regulators, the practice of tariff and non-tariff restrictions. It was found that Ukraine's entry into the WTO and Association Agreement with the EU requires an assessment of effectiveness of methods of regulation of foreign trade, their adaptation to new conditions of cooperation. It is important to analyze the impact of regulatory measures specific to the application of customs tariff and non-tariff instruments to regulate foreign trade integration in the new integration conditions. Manifestation of actually existing trade restrictions in different countries is somewhat contrary promoted WTO and EU approaches aimed at the liberal model of trade relations. For Ukraine which has a weaker economic potential compared with major partners, including the EU, the liberalization of access to foreign goods on the domestic market creates some threats on the deterioration of the national economy. Under rather stringent requirements for the use of non-tariff methods, the EU countries have high protection of their producers, which creates problems for the Ukrainian goods entering their markets. It is proved that the mechanism of protection of national economic interests of EU member states is characterized by a significant amount of non-tariff measures. Currently, the EU is one of the leaders in the use of non-tariff protectionism. Share of tariff lines covered by at least one non-tariff measures in the EU is 90%. Under the effect of these measures falls 86% of European imports and international trade per one trade unit is limited to about 4 non-tariff measures. For greater efficiency of applied measures of state regulation based on defined foreign policy priorities we conducted the estimation of the level of trade protection Економіка та управління АПК, № 1’2017 79 and studied the influence of tariff and non-tariff measures on the dynamics and the impact of international trade. It was found that the overall performance of regulation of international trade the main data are the average custom tariff rate index and frequency index of import cover ratio of non-tariff measures, which reflect the real level of trade restrictions. Indicator that more effectively and objectively reflects the level of trade protection is the tariff index of trade restriction. The level of trade protection of the EU and Ukraine through tariff trade restriction index was calculated. The analysis lead to the conclusion that after the transition period under the Association Agreement, Ukraine will have a real level of trade protection for food products 3.5%, while in the EU this level is 15,56 %. It was established that the actual level of liberalization of trade relations between Ukraine and the EU will be a constant predominance of trade protection on the part of European partners. The explanation for this is a balanced tariff policy of the EU aimed at protecting sensitive sectors of its economy, including the introduction of a zero rate of duty on a group of agricultural commodities that are the subject of international specialization of Ukraine only within tariff quotas. We offer Ukrainian exporters who at the entrance to the market of the EU countries face protectionist of non-tariff measures, including requirements for technical parameters of goods, certification, sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards to direct investment potential in order to improve the quality products and ensure proper standardization. This will open broader perspective for the exporters than increase the level of tariff protection by European partners. The issues discussed in the article are extremely important and require extensive further research, including the development of strategic principles of forming and implementing a balanced state custom tariff and non-tariff policies aimed at protecting producers in agriculture.Рассмотрен инструментарий мер государственного регулирования внешней торговли с детализацией тарифных и нетарифных ограничений. Доказана целесообразность применения тарифного квотирования как метода регулирования апробированного практикой стран ЕС. Проведен анализ показателей регулирования международной торговли и рассчитан тарифный индекс ограничения торговли для стран ЕС и Украины. Разработаны рекомендации по развитию внешнеторгового сотрудничества Украины за счет совершенствования мер тарифного и нетарифного регулирования.
Description: Лобунець В.І. Застосування митно-тарифних і нетарифних інструментів в державному регулюванні зовнішньої торгівлі / В.І. Лобунець, Є.О. Малік // Економіка та управління АПК: зб-к наук. праць. - Біла Церква, 2017. -Вип. 1(132). - С.73-79.
ISSN: 2310-9262
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 339.543./.544.025.2
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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