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Title: Профілактика аліментарної анемії поросят вітчизняними та імпортними антианемічними препаратами
Other Titles: Prevention of alimentary anemia of pigs by domestic and foreign antianemic drugs
Authors: Мельниченко, Олександр Миколайович
Melnichenko, Oleksandr
Веред, Петро Іванович
Vered, Petro
Харчишин, Віктор Миколайович
Kharchyshyn, Viktor
Злочевський, Михайло Володимирович
Zlochevskyi, Mykhailo
Keywords: поросята;загальна залізозв'язувальна здатність сироватки крові,;гемоглобін;аліментарна анемія;piglets;general iron-binding blood serum;hemoglobin;alimentary anemia;общая железосвязывающая способность сыворотки крови;гемоглобин;алиментарная анемия
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Abstract: Досліджено засоби профілактики та лікування аліментарної анемії сільськогосподарських тварин, зокрема новонароджених поросят, які найчастіше уражаються цією хворобою. Вивчено ефективність застосування препаратів імпортного виробництва «Ферібіон», «Фердекстран В12», «Урсоферан» та препаратів «Біомет» та «Ферокол», які виготовлено в НДІ екології та біотехнології БНАУ. Доведено, що препарати «Біомет» та «Ферокол» не поступаються за своєю ефективністю імпортним аналогам. Після їх уведення концентрація Феруму в крові поросят на 30-й день була вищою порівняно з тваринами контрольної групи (р<0,001). Показники загальної залізозв’язувальної здатності сироватки крові найнижчими були у тварин, яким уводили біомет, ферокол та фердекстран В12. The problem of topicality of prophylaxis and treatment of alimentary anemia of agricultural animals, in particular new-born piglets which are more often sexposed to this disease, is highlighted. One of basic pre-conditions of genetic potential realization and increasing of the productivity of agricultural animals is their valuable mineral nutrition. All chemical elements which comprise organs and fabrics participate in metabolism and belong to the bioelements. Ferum, Cuprum, Cobalt, Mangan, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium belong to the vital necessary elements as they participate in most processes which take place in an organism, in particular in reactions which catalize with the participation of metalenzymes. Alimentary anemia arises because of deficit in the ration of irreplaceable factors of nutrition, first of all Ferum. Deficit of Ferum (hyposidiros) is one of most widespread microelements among the saplings of agricultural animals, especially piglets and calves. The principal reason of anaemia is insufficient organism Ferum security, that is why it is named ferum deficit. As ¾ Ferum in an organism is in haemoglobin and myoglobin, it is clear that most concentration of it is registered in blood and also in the organs with haemopoetic, haemolitic and depositing functions. In general, approximately 65% of general Ferum amount is contained in circulatory blood, 10% - in the spleen, 18% - in muscles, 5% - in a skeleton and 2% - in other organs. This phenomenon is more often observed among piglets, as there isn’t enough Ferum in milk of a sow to provide the necessities of organism of new-born piglets. The research of efficiency of application of preparations of the imported production of "Feribion", "Ferdekstran В12", "Ursoferan" and preparations of "Biomet" and "Ferocol" made at the Scientific Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University has been conducted. It has been proved that preparations "Biomet" and "Ferocol" do not give in their efficiency the imported analogues, as after their introduction in blood of piglets, the concentration of Ferum increased on the 30th day in comparing to the animals from a control group (р<0,01) that indicates high comprehensibility of Ferum and use of it in metabolic processes in the organism of sucking-pigs. One should especially admit the Spanish preparation "Ferdekstran В12" (249,97 mg/l) and the preparation made at the Scientific Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology in the stock-raising of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University "Biomet" (256,62 mg/l). The laboratory part of work was done at the Scientific Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology in Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. The methods of constructing of metal-organics were worked out for the prophylaxis of alimentary anemia of agricultural animals. A vital action of necessary elements in the organism of animals depends not only on their amount but also on a form which they are in. Co-operating of ions of metals with ligands consists of co-ordination through amino carboxyl groups, in particular in most cases ligands contact with the ions of Cuprum and Cobalt through amino carboxyl groups. Researches on animals were conducted at the Scientific Educational-Experienced Center in Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. The experienced and control groups of piglets were formed. 2-day old piglets were typed intramuscular preparation in a dose 2 ml (200 mg of Ferum): the first group was typed preparation of "Ferokol", the second - "Ursoferan", the third - preparation of "Feribion", the fourth - preparation of "Ferdekstran В12". The fifth group was typed preparation of of "Biomet" - 2 ml (180 mg of Ferum, 1 mg of Cuprum, to 0,4 mg of Cobalt). The control group was typed saline solution in a dose of 2 ml. The metallo-organics got by us have some advantages above other preparations of this group. The oligoelements of chelator which consist of metals and ligands have high biological activity and comprehensibility (95-100%). In addition, preparation of "Biomet" is a polycomponent, and accordingly is more effective than component analogues. Due to the gradual break of chelate connections preparations show the prolonged action. At slabbing of oligoelementss ligands are effectively used by an organism. All of them enable to diminish the doses of oligoelementss, and also positively settle ecological (in ten times a receipt diminishes together with wastes of heavy metals in an environment) and economic problems. Applying of these preparations in industry allows not to be dependent on their import. A production and application of home antianemic preparations will allow prophylaxis effectively and treat alimentary anemia of piglets and stop being dependent on the imported producers, that, in turn, will promote profitability of industry of stock-raising. All chemical elements which enter in the composition of organs and fabrics and participate in metabolism belong to the bioelements. Ferum, Cuprum, Cobalt, Mangan, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium belong to the vital necessary group of elements as they participate in most processes which take place in an organism, in particular in reactions which catalize at participation of metalenzymes. It is especially worth mentioning Spanish preparation of "Ferdekstran В12" (249,97 mg/l) and preparation "Biomet" (256,62 mg/l)made in Scientific-Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology in the stock-raising in Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. Perspective scientific work assignment is development of poly-components of antianemic preparations and research of their efficiency. Исследовано средства профилактики и лечения алиментарной анемии сельскохозяйственных животных, в частности новорожденных поросят, которые чаще всего подверженны этой болезни. Проведено исследование эффективности применения препаратов импортного производства «Ферибион», «Фердекстран В12», «Урсоферан» и препаратов «Биомет» и «Ферокол», произведенных в НИИ экологии и биотехнологии в животноводстве БНАУ. Доказано, что препараты «Биомет» и «Ферокол» не уступают по своей эффективности импортным аналогам. После их введения концентрация ферума в крови поросят на 30-й день увеличилась в сравнении с животными из контрольной группы (р<0,001). Показатели общей железосвязующей способности сыворотки крови наинизшими были у животных которым вводили биомет, ферокол и фердекстран В12.
Description: Профілактика аліментарної анемії поросят вітчизняними та імпортними антианемічними препаратами / О.М. Мельниченко, П.І. Веред, В.М. Харчишин та ін. // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2014 .- № 2 (112). - С. 10-12.
ISSN: ISSN 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 504.58:619:615
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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