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Title: Фізико-хімічні та мікробіологічні показники секрету молочної залози корів за різної кількості соматичних клітин
Other Titles: Физико-химические и микробиологические показатели секрета молочной железы коров при субклиническом мастите
Physicochemical and microbiological indicators of mammary gland secretion of cows with different number of somatic cells
Authors: Тишківська, Наталія Василівна
Tishkіvska, Natalii
Сахнюк, Наталія Іванівна
Sakhniuk, Nataliya
Тишківський, Михайло Ярославович
Tishkivskiy, Mykhailo
Keywords: соматичні клітини;КУО (колонієутворювальних організмів);суха речовина;масова частка жиру;лактози;густина;КМАФАнМ (кількість мезофільних аеробних та факультативно анаеробних мікроорганізмів);соматические клетки;массовая часть жира;лактозы;сухого вещества;плотность;КМАФАнМ (количество мезофильных аэробных и факультативно анаэробных микроорганизмов);КОЕ (колониеобразующих единиц);somatic cell mass fraction of fat;BKHKP;lactose;dry matter;density;KMAFAnM
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: БНАУ
Citation: Тишківська Н.В. Фізико-хімічні та мікробіологічні показники секрету молочної залози корів за різної кількості соматичних клітин / Н.В. Тишківська, Н.І. Сахнюк, М.Я. Тишківський // Наук.вісник вет. медицини: зб-к наук. праць. - Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2015. - №2. - С.31-37.
Abstract: Теоретично і експериментально обґрунтовано зміни деяких фізико-хімічних та мікробіологічних показників секрету молочної залози корів залежно від кількості соматичних клітин. Відмічається корелятивна залежність між кількістю соматичних клітин та масовою часткою жиру і лактози у молоці дослідних корів. Внаслідок зростання кількості соматичних клітин з 740,0±25,30 (четверта група) до 1489,3±8,72 (п’ята група) тис./см3 відмічали зменшення масової частки жиру з 3,2±0,26 до 3,03±0,071 % відповідно, проти 4,56±0,302 – 3,97±0,436 % у молоці корів першої–третьої груп, у яких кількість соматичних клітин коливалась від 90,2±0,25 до 480,0±17,92 тис./см3 . Масова частка лактози у секреті молочної залози за збільшення кількості соматичних клітин становила 4,4±0,08 %, проти 4,6±0,15 – 4,7±0,07 % у молоці корів першої–третьої груп. Масова частка молочного білка вірогідно не змінюється за різної кількості соматичних клітин, що відбувається за рахунок сироваткових білків. КМАФАнМ за збільшення кількості соматичних клітин (четверта, п’ята групи) коливалась від 986,0±51,13 до 2260,0±249,7 тис. КУО/см3 проти 153,8±25,65 – 178,29±43,23 тис. КУО/см3 у молоці корів першої–третьої груп. Теоретически и экспериментально обосновано изменения некоторых физико-химических и микробиологических показателей секрета молочной железы коров в зависимости от количества соматических клеток. Отмечается коррелятивная зависимость между количеством соматических клеток и массовой долей жира и лактозы в молоке исследовательских коров. В результате роста количества соматических клеток с 740,0±25,30 (четвертая группа) до 1489,3±8,72 (пятая группа) тыс./см3 отмечали уменьшение массовой доли жира с 3,2±0,26 до 3,03±0,071 % соответственно, против 4,56±0,302 – 3,97±0,436 % в молоке коров первой-третьей групп, в которых количество соматических клеток колебалась от 90,2±0,25 до 480,0±17,92 тыс./см3 . Массовая часть лактозы в секрете молочной железы при увеличении количества соматических клеток составила 4,4±0,08 %, против 4,6±0,15 – 4,7±0,07 % в молоке коров первой-третьей групп. Массовая часть молочного белка достоверно не изменяется при разном количестве соматических клеток, что происходит за счет сывороточных белков. КМАФАнМ при увеличении количества соматических клеток (четвертая, пятая группы) колебалась от 986,0±51,13 до 2260,0±249,7 тыс. КОЕ/см3 против 153,8±25,65 – 178,29±43,23 тыс. КОЕ/см3 в молоке коров первой–третьей групп.
Description: The main product is milk production, which is a complex biological fluid that is formed in the mammary gland of female mammals and has a high nutritional value, immunological and bactericidal properties. Milk is indispensable food for newborns full of animals and an important food of all ages. That is why one of the most important tasks of dairy cattle, regardless of ownership, is the increase in milk production, and most importantly - improve its quality. Quality milk can only be obtained from healthy cows, however, that prevent various diseases and especially mastitis. According to many authors of the disease cows mastitis covers from 21 to 70% of the herd, and 8–16% of cows suffering two or more times during lactation. The greatest degree of damage cows mastitis occurs in autumn-winter and spring seasons. Many authors have noted a direct relationship between the presence of pathogenic bacteria and the number of somatic cells in cow mammary gland secretions, which characterize the state of breast cancer. Of particular importance is the question for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cows. The aim of the changes was to determine the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters secretion of mammary gland of cows for subclinical mastitis. Research carried out on Simmental cows belonging to Agricultural Limited Liability ˮMyroslavel-Agro ", which is located on the territory of the village Myroslavl Zhytomyr region. Diagnosis of mastitis conducted by direct counting of somatic cells in milk analyzer in "Ekomilk Scanˮ. Laboratory method, according to current standards, determine the physical, chemical, health indicators of the quality of milk: the mass fraction of fat, protein, lactose and skimmed milk residue, density, and KMAFAnM, BKHP. The results of our research the number of somatic cells in milk cows research (48 cows) in significant ranged between 90 to 1500 thousand/cm3 . According to standard 3662 – 97 (as amended) in milk class "extra" and "higher" somatic cell content should not exceed 400 thousand/cm3 , the "first" – 600 thousand/cm3 . In Finland in the milk of the highest quality E1 number of somatic cells should not exceed 250 thousand/Cm3 , Norway and England – 150 thousand/cm3 , of Denmark – 200 thousand/cm3 , Austria – 280 thousand/cm3 , in most countries EU – 300–400 thousand/cm3 . Referring to international standards, cows were divided into five groups, the number of somatic cells in the sample medium raw whole milk. The first group of cows classified clinically-healthy cows, the number of somatic cells in milk which is within the 90 thousand/cm3 ; – the second group of cows – milk in which the number of somatic cells in averaged 185,5±16,25 thousand/cm3 ; – the third group of animals – the value of somatic cells did not exceed 480,0±47,89 thousand/cm3 ; – in the fourth group of cows level of somatic cells ranges from 700 to 805 thousand/cm3 ; The fifth group of animals with the increased number of somatic cells – 1489,3±8,72 thousand/cm3 , that is obviously sick cows with subclinical mastitis. It is well known that in the development of inflammation of the udder disturbed synthesis of the main components of milk. Thus, the mass fraction of fat in the milk of cows for subclinical mastitis (fifth group) ranged from 2,58 to 5,05% in the average value of the group 3,73±0,5 %, which is 0,8 times less than in the milk of healthy cows (the first group). Fat cows second, third and fourth groups did not differ significantly and averaged 4,23±2,8; 4,1±0,5 and 4,16±0,54 %, respectively. Consequently, the development of subclinical mastitis milk fat synthesis is disturbed. For mastitis changing the composition and properties of milk – reduced the number of casein, whey protein content increases, chlorine, sodium and conductivity, acidity decreases and density. Mass fraction of protein in the milk of fifth group cows did not differ significantly from the values of healthy and relatively healthy cows. However, an important component of milk is not only the mass fraction of total protein, but also its components: casein and whey protein, which depends on the composition of rennet handling and output of the finished product. According to the literature, for subclinical mastitis decrease casein, given the growing number of serum proteins, albumin and globulins. It is through these mass fraction of total protein in the milk of cows for subclinical mastitis significantly changes. For mastitis in cow decreases the amount of lactose, in milk resulting in a decrease in osmotic pressure. The permeability of blood vessels affected breast tissue is increased due to increased diffusion in the milk of penetrating serum albumin and globulins, as their number increases in abnormal milk. The results of our research mass fraction of lactose in the milk of experimental cows for subclinical mastitis is 4,56±0,05%, which is significantly less than in clinically healthy cows – 4,65±0,07%. Synthesis of lactose (as converting glucose into galactose and glucose and galactose condensation) completely occurs in the Golgi apparatus. Lactose molecule goes through the membrane into the cavity unit cell through the cell membrane and enters the cavity of the alveoli. Given the presence of inflammation in the udder cavity, the synthesis of glucose is broken. The most valuable component of milk is dry stuff, which is based on milk fat, protein, lactose, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, pigments. According to research the development of breast inflammation characterized by a decrease in the concentration of dry matter in cows of fifth group to 0,98 times compared with clinically healthy cows. The density of milk cows depends on the density of milk constituents, with proteins, carbohydrates and salt increases the density, and reduces its fat. The density of milk cows subclinical mastitis was lower than the clinically healthy cows milk, so milk cows in the first group density of milk was 1027,0±0,54 kg/cm3 , which is 0,95 less than in clinically healthy cows (1028,5±0,34 kg/cm3 ). However, these values meet the requirements of the standard. The density of the second group of cows was the highest and amounted to 1028,7±0,6 kg/cm3 and fluctuations in the values of 1026,0 to 1031,9 kg/cm3 . Bacteriological study of milk can be considered final or final stage of diagnosis of mastitis, based on the fact that so far there is no consensus about the etiological importance of microorganisms in the development of inflammatory breast cancer in animals. Most domestic scholars and practitioners traditionally considered mastitis is not a contagious disease caused by exposure to mechanical, thermal, chemical and other environmental factors with subsequent superimposition of biological factors or microorganisms. This implies that each type of mastitis, clinically expressed or subclinical, accompanied by infections involving pathogens allocation which is required to establish the underlying cause of disease and choice of treatment and prevention. The most important microbiological parameters are common bacterial contamination, the presence of E. coli bacteria. In the study MAFAnM in cow milk was found that the number of microorganisms correlated with the number of somatic cells in milk. So by increasing the somatic cell count to 740 thousand/cm3 , the total number of microorganisms increased from 375 000 CFU/cm3 to 390 000 CFU/cm3 . In the milk obtained from healthy cows total number of microorganisms ranging from 153 000 CFU/cm3 to 160 000 CFU/cm3 . In addition, the definition BGKP conducted in the milk of healthy cows and subclinical mastitis. Research proved that the titer BGKP freshly drawn milk precast milk > 1,0 is indicative sanitation its receipt in which milk microbial count does not exceed 6x104 CFU/cm3 . To identify bacteria of Escherichia and Keslera took the environment, the essence of the method lies in the ability of E. coli bacteria ferment the lactose in the environment to form acid and gas. The results of our research in three samples of milk obtained from cows subclinical mastitis observed slight turbidity and gas was discovered in a dilution of 1.0. In cultivation 0.1 turbidity and gas were found. With tubes determined where gassing took on Endo medium in a petri dish. Escherichia coli characteristic gives rise to a brilliant red colonies with a metallic sheen. Therefore, the results obtained give grounds to assert that mastitis is formed mainly under the influence of microbial factor: bacteria of E. coli. Infection in the breast can enter in three ways: hematogenous, lymphogenous and halaktohennym. The latter path - the penetration of microflora through teat channel, is fundamental. Thus, the most important points of bacterial contamination of teats on top of infection include them in the process of milking cups via rubber milking equipment. And in the summer there is a significant risk that mechanical adding microorganisms like flies patients from other animals and objects from the environment.
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 619:618.19-002:615:637.12.07:632.2
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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