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Title: Визначення серопозитивності за імунізації великої рогатої худоби різними дозами вакцини.
Other Titles: Determination of seropozivity at the immunization of a huge great litigation by various doses of vaccine
Определение серопозитивности при иммунизации крупного рогатого скота различными дозами вакцины
Authors: Рубленко, Ірина Олександрівна
Рубленко, Ирина Александровна
Rublenko, Iryna
Keywords: сибірка;профілактика;вакцина;доза;імунізація;Bacillus anthracis;Антравак;тварини;велика рогата худоба;штам;anthrax;prophylaxis;vaccine;dose;immunization;animals;cattle;strain
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: БНАУ
Citation: Рубленко І.О. Визначення серопозитивності за імунізації великої рогатої худоби різними дозами вакцини / І.О. Рубленко // Науковий вісник вет. медицини: зб-к наук. праць . - Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2017. - Вип.1 (133). - С.166–173.
Abstract: У статті наведені результати досліджень щодо визначення оптимальної імунізуючої дози вакцини «Антравак» виготовленої із штаму Bacillus anthracis UA–07. Під час проведення дослідження у тварин всіх вікових груп після введення вакцини виготовленої із штаму Bacillus anthracis UA–07 не виявляли пригнічення, підвищення температури тіла, почервоніння слизових оболонок, анафілактичного шоку, місцевих реакцій. У групі тварин із 6 місяців і старших титри специфічних антитіл були найвищими через 14, 21 та 180 діб після вакцинації, порівняно з іншими віковими групами тварин. За аналізом результатів імунологічних досліджень доведено, що доза 7,82–10,42 млн. спор експериментальної вакцини із штаму Bacillus anthracis UA–07 (серія №1) проти сибірки тварин виявилася менш ефективною, а – 20,85–24,76 млн. спор – не раціональною. Найбільш оптимальною та ефективною дозою застосування вакцини із штаму Bacillus anthracis UA–07 для великої рогатої худоби, за отриманими результатами, виявилися дози 11,73–19,55 (16,0±4) млн. спор. За результатами проведених досліджень встановлено: оптимальна доза вакцинації для великої рогатої худоби віком із 3 місяців і старших становить 16,0±4 (11,73–19,55) млн./см3 спор.
Description: During the study in animals of all age groups, after administration of the vaccine, Bacillus anthracis UA-07 strains did not show oppression, body temperature, redness of the mucous membranes, anaphylactic shock, local reactions. Vaccination of calves with an experimental series of an anthrax vaccine caused the induction of antibodies against the pathogen of the anterum, depending on the dose of the vaccine and the age of the animals. The obtained results indicate that in all experimental animals, after the introduction of the developed immunological drug, a pronounced induction of anesthetic antibodies was observed, regardless of the administered dose of the vaccine. At vaccination of animals, all variants of doses of an immunological preparation marked the general tendency, namely: antibody titers increased at 14 days after vaccination (in some animals and at 28 days), however, by the 180th day titres were reduced at a dose of 7.82-10, 42 million/cm3 spores (p <0.05 - in the first, p <0.001 in the second and third groups). Before the introduction of the vaccine in the first group of animals (vaccinated at the age of 2 to 3 months), the titres of antibodies in the serum were within the range of 23.78-28.28 G. During the study in animals of all age groups, after administration of the vaccine, Bacillus anthracis UA-07 strains did not show oppression, body temperature, redness of the mucous membranes, anaphylactic shock, local reactions. Vaccination of calves with an experimental series of an anthrax vaccine caused the induction of antibodies against the pathogen of the anterum, depending on the dose of the vaccine and the age of the animals. The obtained results indicate that in all experimental animals, after the introduction of the developed immunological drug, a pronounced induction of anesthetic antibodies was observed, regardless of the administered dose of the vaccine. At vaccination of animals, all variants of doses of an immunological preparation marked the general tendency, namely: antibody titers increased at 14 days after vaccination (in some animals and at 28 days), however, by the 180th day titres were reduced at a dose of 7.82-10, 42 million/cm3 spores (p <0.05 - in the first, p <0.001 in the second and third groups). Before the introduction of the vaccine in the first group of animals (vaccinated at the age of 2 to 3 months), the titres of antibodies in the serum were within the range of 23.78-28.28 G. At 14 days after vaccination of animals at a dose of 7.82 - 10.42 million/cm3 antibody spores increased to 47.57 G (log 1.33 ± 0.03 and 1.67 ± 0.1), whereas in the control The group figures were 2 times lower and amounted to 25.2-20.0 G (log 1.4 - 1.3). For the introduction of 11.73-19.55 million spores, the titres of antibodies in serum were within the range 80-67.27 G (log 1.9-1.83 ± 0.07), but were significantly higher than the rates before vaccination (P <0,05 - with the introduction of 15,64 and 19,55 million / cm3 of spore and p <0,001 - with the introduction of 11,73 million / cm3 spores). 28 days after vaccination, antibody titers in animal groups continued to increase unbelievably at 7.82, 10.42, 15.64, 19.55, 20.85, 23.45 and 24.76 million/cm3 spores after vaccination. With the exception of dose administration - 11.73 million / cm3 spores. In control animals, the titres of antibodies in serum were within the range of 10.0 - 14.14 G (log 1-1.15 ± 0.15). In addition, the titers of antibodies in the serum of calves were highest at 28 days after the vaccine injection at a dose of 15.64-20.85 million / cm3 spores. Indicators of antibody titers were the same at 11.73, 23.45 and 24.76 million/cm3 spores. After 180 days, the titre values decreased in all experimental animals, but were highest (G = 40.0) when administered to animals at 11.73-20.85 million / cm3 spores. At the use of 7.82-10.42 million / cm3, the indices were at least the worst (G = 14.14 and 20.0, and log = 1.22 and 1.30) among the experimental animals, but higher, compared to The control group, since they did not have antibodies in the blood serum. In the second group of animals vaccinated at the age from 3 to 6 months, a significant (p <0.001) increase in titres was recorded at 14 and 28 days after vaccination. At 14 days after vaccination of animals at a dose of 7.82 - 10.42 million/cm3 antibody spores increased to 47.57 G (log 1.33 ± 0.03 and 1.67 ± 0.1), whereas in the control The group figures were 2 times lower and amounted to 25.2-20.0 G (log 1.4 - 1.3). For the introduction of 11.73-19.55 million spores, the titres of antibodies in serum were within the range 80-67.27 G (log 1.9-1.83 ± 0.07), but were significantly higher than the rates before vaccination (P <0,05 - with the introduction of 15,64 and 19,55 million/cm3 of spore and p <0,001 - with the introduction of 11,73 million/cm3 spores). 28 days after vaccination, antibody titers in animal groups continued to increase unbelievably at 7.82, 10.42, 15.64, 19.55, 20.85, 23.45 and 24.76 million/cm3 spores after vaccination. With the exception of dose administration - 11.73 million/cm3 spores. In control animals, the titres of antibodies in serum were within the range of 10.0 - 14.14 G (log 1-1.15 ± 0.15). In addition, the titers of antibodies in the serum of calves were highest at 28 days after the vaccine injection at a dose of 15.64-20.85 million/cm3 spores. Indicators of antibody titers were the same at 11.73, 23.45 and 24.76 million/cm3 spores. After 180 days, the titre values decreased in all experimental animals, but were highest (G = 40.0) when administered to animals at 11.73-20.85 million / cm3 spores. At the use of 7.82-10.42 million/cm3, the indices were at least the worst (G = 14.14 and 20.0, and log = 1.22 and 1.30) among the experimental animals, but higher, compared to the control group, since they did not have antibodies in the blood serum. In the second group of animals vaccinated at the age from 3 to 6 months, a significant (p <0.001) increase in titres was recorded at 14 and 28 days after vaccination. Thus, the applied doses of the vaccine made from the strain Bacillus anthracis UA-07 cause the synthesis of specific antibodies. In connection with this, in order to rational use of the drug, it is advisable to use for the vaccination of animals 11,73-19,55 million/cm3 spores. At that, the recommended for use live antibodies against the anthrax of animals of the strain "SB" and "K-79Z" at 20-25 million/cm3 spores. At the same time, this is a confirmation of the higher immunogenicity of the strain Bacillus anthracis UA-07. According to the analysis of the results of immunological studies, it has been proved that a dose of 16.0 ± 4 (11.73-19.55) million/cm3 spores for the inoculation of bovine animals at the age from 2 to 3 months provides the formation of intense immunity, which is confirmed by the indexes of antibody titers At 14, 28 days and 6 months after the vaccine. According to the results of the conducted researches it was established: the optimum dose of vaccination for bovine animals from the age of 3 months and older is 16.0 ± 4 (11.73-19.55) million/cm3 spores. A dose of 7.82 to 10.42 mg/cm3 of the experimental vaccine against Bacillus anthracis UA-07 strain against anthrax was less seropolevalent, and - 20.85-24.76 million / cm3 spores were not rational. The most optimal and effective dose of Bacillus anthracis UA-07 strain for bovine animals was based on the results of a dose of 16.0 ± 4 million/cm3 spores.
ISSN: 2310-4902
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 619:616.981.51:615.373/.383:636.1
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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