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Title: Вплив пробіотичної кормової добавки на забійні якості курчат-бройлерів, вирощених на глибокій підстилці
Other Titles: Influence of probiotics forage addition on the slaughters qualities of broiler-chickens reared on deep bedding
Authors: Машкін, Юрій Олексійович
Mashkin, Yurii
Keywords: курчата-бройлери;пробіотики;передзабійна жива маса;забійний вихід;маса тушки;Broiler-chickens;probiotics;live slaughter weight;slaughter output;carcass weight
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Машкін Ю.О. Вплив пробіотичної кормової добавки на забійні якості курчат-бройлерів, вирощених на глибокій підстилці / Ю.О.Машкін // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013 .- Вип.10(105) .- С. 8-11.
Abstract: Встановлено позитивний вплив кормової добавки з пробіотичною дією Протекто-Актив на забійні якості курчатбройлерів, вирощених на глибокій підстилці. Використання пробіотичної кормової добавки в технологічному процесі вирощування курчат-бройлерів підвищує передзабійну живу масу на 3,2–3,7 %, масу напівпатраної та патраної тушок на 2,5–4,0 % і 3,0–4,5 %, вихід патраної тушки на 8,2 %, масу грудних м’язів на 7,3-9,9 % дослідної птиці порівняно з контролем. Так, додавання до комбікормів пробіотику Протекто-Актив сприяло підвищенню у курчат-бройлерів ІІ, ІІІ та IV дослідних груп індексу м’ясності грудей на 5,2; 4,5 та 5,2 % (Р<0,05) відповідно, порівняно з цим показником контрольної групи (26,7 %).
Description: It was set the positive influence of forage addition with probiotics action «Protekto-Activ» on the qualities of the broiler-chickens reared on the deep bedding. It was set from the anatomic dissection of 42-days broiler-chickens that except the in-crease of the live slaughter-weight, quantitative changes also took place between edible parts of carcasses of the experimental and the control broilers groups that testify the indexes of anatomomorphological dissection of bird. Live slaughter weight of chickens of the ІІ-nd, the ІІІ-d and the IV-th experimental groups was higher than in the control one because of the complement of the mixed fodder of probiotics forage addition «Protekto-Activ». So live slaughter weight of broilers of the I-st (control) group was 2118,2 g, that is 3,7 % (P < 0,05) less than in the II-nd, and 3,4 % (P < 0,05) less than in the III-d and 3,2 % (P < 0,05) less than in the IV-th experimental groups. The results of anatomy dissection testify however that the weight of the both semidisemboweled and disemboweled car-casses depends on the live slaughter weight of the broilers-chickens. So the weight of the semidisemboweled carcass of the II-nd, the III-d, the IV-th and the VI-th groups was 1896,6; 1888,2; 1888,0; and 1870,8 g, so this index of the the I-st (control) group prevails on 4,0 % (P < 0,05); 3,5 % (P < 0,05); 3,5 % (P < 0,01) and 2,5 % (P < 0,05) accordingly. A similar picture is observed with the weight of the disemboweled carcass of chickens in the control as well as the experimental groups. The weight of the disemboweled carcass of broilers of the I-st (control) group is 1559,2 g that is 4,5 % (P < 0,05); 4,0 % (P < 0,05); 4,0 % (P < 0,01) and 3,0 % (P < 0,05) less than in the II-nd, the III-d, the IV-th and the VI-th groups. The usage of probiotics forage addition «Protekto-Activ» in the mixed fodders for the broilers-chickens during their grow-ing on the deep bedding did not influence substantially output of the semidisemboweled carcass, the difference between the indexes of the control (85,7 %) and the experimental groups was not reliable and hesitated within the limits of 0,3-0,4 %. Then, as output of the disemboweled carcass among the broilers of the II-nd and the IV-th experimental groups (74,2 %) prevailed on 8,2 % (P < 0,05) in other experimental groups there is a tendency to the increase of the disemboweled carcass output in compar-ison with the I-st (control) group (73,6 %). The addition of forage probiotics in the mixed fodders of chickens-broilers positively influences the increase of the pecto-ral muscles weight. So the weight of the pectoral muscles in the carcasses of the broilers from the II-nd, the III-d,the IV-th and the VI-th experimental groups is 458,2 g, 453,2 g, 454,8 g and 447,4 g and prevails under control group on 9,9 % (P < 0,01), 8,7 % (P < 0,05), 9,1 % (P < 0,01) and 7,3 % (P < 0,05) accordingly. The usage in the technological process of broiler-chickens growing on the deep bedding of the probiotics «Protekto-Activ» did not influence substantially the weight of the femoral and the shins muscles, the skin, the internal fat, the liver, the muscular stomach and the heart. The meat productivity of the broiler-chickens is characterized not only by the indexes of the anatomical dissection but also by the indexes of the broiler-chickens meats internal carcasses, such as index of meat carcass, index of breasts meat, the output of edible parts and index of boniness. It is set as a result of the conducted researches that in accordance with the changes of particle of the component parts of carcass there are some changes of broilers meats internals indexes. So, addition to the mixed fodders of the probiotics «Protekto-Activ» helped to increase among the broilers of the II-nd, the III-d and the IV-th experimental groups of the meat breasts index on 5,2 %; 4,5 % and 5,2 % (P < 0,05) in comparison with the same index of the control group (26,7 %). The usage in the technological process of broiler-chickens growing on the deep bedding of forage addition of the probiotics action «Protekto-Activ» the reliable difference between other meats internal indexes of carcasses in the experimental and the control groups are not observed.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 636.52/.
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