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Title: Сучасний стан перекладацького ринку праці: виклики, пропозиції, рекомендації, перспективи
Other Titles: Modern Requirements of the Translation Market: Challenges, Supply, Recommendations, Perspectives
Authors: Борщовецька, Валентина Дмитрівна
Borshchovetska, Valentina
Keywords: перекладач;компетентності;стандарти;ринок праці;принципи перекладацької діяльності;translator / interpreter;competences;standards;translation market;principles of the translation activity
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Вид. центр КНЛУ
Citation: Борщовецька В.Д. Сучасний стан перекладацького ринку праці: виклики, пропозиції, рекомендації, перспективи / В.Д. Борщовецька // Науковий вісник кафедри ЮНЕСКО Київського національного лінгвістичного університету. Сер. Філологія. Педагогіка. Психологія. – Київ, 2019. – Вип. 38. - С. 190-196.
Abstract: Публікація аналізує сучасний ринок перекладацьких послуг. Розглянуто виклики ринку перекладачів. Досліджено компетентності перекладача, що охоплюють письмові та усні види перекладу. Розглянуто зміст специфічної компетентності перекладача. Проаналізовано джерела перекладацької роботи. Наведено номенклатуру посад, які може обіймати майбутній перекладач. Визначено вміння перекладача у майбутній професійній діяльності. Здійснено компаративний аналіз двох типів перекладачів. Запропоновано пам’ятки для майбутніх перекладачів та окреслено перспективи для подальших досліджень в галузі ринку праці для перекладачів.
Description: The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern translation market and the services it provides. Translation / interpretation is a bi /multilingual communication means in the modern society. Its process can be defined as appearance of the new (translation)text that remains the communicative equivalency with the original text and at the same timeit is accepted in the target culture. The challenges of the modern translation market have been considered. The demand for the newly educated translator / interpreter has been caused by the increased relationship of Ukraine with the world as well as the process of globalization in all spheres of the national economy. The modern translator / interpreter is a mediator of multicultures, a representative of the social ethic norms, a mediation of the innovative approaches, ideas in the globalization period. The competences of the translator / interpreter have been investigated. They define the ability of the person to do the translation activity on the basis of the acquainted skills and knowledges. The content of the specific competences of the translator / interpreter has been analysed. The Standard of the Higher Education of Ukraine defines the following three competences of the future translator / interpreter: integral. General and specific (professional). It comprises the knowledge about theoretical views and conceptions in the Humanities. Ethics and law norms. Human and environment relationship. Modern methods of the Linguistics research. Relationship between language, thinking and the world, origin and development of the language and functional peculiarities of the languages. The examples of the positions for the future specialist in the sphere of translation / interpretation have been presented. The translation / interpretation skills, necessary for the future professional activity have been defined. The translator / interpreter has to be able to organize rationally his or her activity; assess critically the level of own experience from the point of view of the last results of research and social practice as well; to have the high level of lingual, sociolingual competences; to do all the types of translaton / interpretation; to use the innovative e-resources in the professional activity; to consider the peculiarities in the target language and culture while doing the translaton / interpretation; to develop personal communication skills. The comparative analysis of the two types of translation / interpretation specialists has been done. The suggestions for the future translators / interpreters have been developed as well as the perspective for the future research in the sphere of the translation / interpretation market has been defined.
ISSN: 2411-5991
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 81’25 – 051: 331. 5
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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