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Title: Економіко-математичне моделювання величини витрат під час збору врожаю залежно від потужності двигуна зернозбирального комбайну
Other Titles: Economics and mathematic modeling of harvesting volume depending on a combine harvester engine capacity
Authors: Непочатенко, Андрій Вікторович
Nepochatenko, Andriy
Непочатенко, Віктор Андрійович
Nepochatenko, Viktor
Keywords: машинно-тракторний парк;machine park;потужність двигуна зернозбирального комбайну;combine harvester optimum engine capacity;витрати на збір однієї тонни зерна;costs of one ton of grain cleaning
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Непочатенко А.В. Економіко-математичне моделювання величини витрат під час збору врожаю залежно від потужності двигуна зернозбирального комбайну / А. В. Непочатенко, В. А. Непочатенко // Економіка та управління АПК: зб. наук. праць. - Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013. - Вип. 11 (106). - С. 130-136.
Abstract: У статті проведено регресійний аналіз залежності пропускної здатності, питомої витрати палива, ціни від потужності двигуна зернозбирального комбайну і визначена оптимальна потужність, яка відповідає мінімальним затратам під час збирання врожаю зернових для узагальнених комбайнів виробництва країн СНД і ЄС та США. Встановлено, що ціна збору однієї тонни зерна за номінального сезонного навантаження в 1,7 раза менша для комбайнів виробництва країн СНД. Використання зернозбиральних комбайнів виробництва ЄС та США доцільне у разі значних сезонних навантажень.
Description: The paper deals with the analysis of capacity, fuel specific expenses and price dependence on a combine harvester engine capacity. The optimum capacity relevant for minimum expenses in grain crops harvesting is determined on the basis of the results obtained. The article deals with the regression analysis of dependence of bandwidth, specific fuel consumption and the price on combine harvesters motor power. We applied the results of testing combine harvesters produced in the CIS and the EU and the U.S., as well as scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars in the field of technical support of agriculture. Options of curvilinear regressions were determined by the method of least squares, by their transforming into linear equations (by logarithming regression equation and the corresponding change of the variables). Nominal performance of a combine has been considered proportional to the bandwidth. The proportionality factor (Pf) depends on the humidity, the ratio of the grain and straw yields mass, crop debris. For standard conditions, harvesting grain in Ukraine and CIS countries (humidity 14-16 %, mass ratio of grain and straw 1:1.5, straw volume factor of 0.6, weight of 1000 seeds equal 40 g , yield 40 t/ha crop infestation no more than 5% grain loss 1.1%) Pf = 1.44. It has been found that combine capacity (Cc), is well approximated with the ratio of engine power (N) to the Gomperz curve: = ⋅ 1 ( ) K N Пз N , a N b e e ⋅ ⋅ where K1 - Gomperz curve; K1, a, b - regression parameters. From the analysis of the technical parameters of the harvester we found out that amount of fuel (Pf) needed to collect one ton of grain increases with engine power increasing for all brands of harvesters. Specific fuel consumption corresponds to a power regression: ( ) 1 , b1 Кп N = a ⋅ N where a1, b1 - regression parameters, N - engine power. Price for combine harvesters also increases significantly with engine power increasing. We found out that the distribution of prices combine harvesters depending on the size of engine power (Ck (N) is well approximated by a power regression : ( ) 2 , b3 Сk N = b ⋅ N Considering the price for diesel fuel (7200 UAH / t) , machine operators payment (20 € / h), the nominal annual work hours (170 hours) and the NBU exchange rate ( 7.99 ), we have found out with curvilinear regression for generalized combine harvester made in CIS, the cost of gathering one ton of grain yield with minimal power output ~ 175 kW. This means that the power harvesting for "Don - 1500", "Slavutych", "Skiff " are close to the optimum value. For the capacities of more than 175 kW costs of gathering 1t of grain gradually increases, thus the gain by increasing the bandwidth overlaps increases costs for fuel and lubricants, current and capital repairs and depreciation costs of reproduction techniques. To combine the generalized production of the EU and the U.S. minimal costs for harvesting grain correspond to engine power ~ 140 kW. From the comparative analysis we found out that the cost of gathering one ton of grain at a nominal seasonal load is 1.7 times lower for combine harvesters produced in the CIS. With the increased seasonal loading for one combine harvester the costs are reduced significantly for both combine harvesters produced in the CIS and the EU and the U.S. , and in more recent ones. It is concluded that the use of these combine harvesting machines in the EU and the U.S. is cost-effective only if their maximum load during process in the entire period of harvesting in large size grain acreage farms and machine-tractor stations.
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 631.3 : 519.233.5
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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