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Title: Застосування мікробних препаратів у сінажуванні
Other Titles: Haylage microbial preparations utilization
Authors: Чернюк, Сергій Васильович
Chernyuk, Sergii
Загородній, Андрій Петрович
Zahorodnii, Andrii
Чернявський, Олександр Олександрович
Cherniavskyi, Oleksandr
Keywords: сінаж;люцерна;бактеріальні закваски;консервант;технологія;поживна цінність;haylage;alfalfa;bacterial starters;preservant;technology;nutritive value
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Чернюк С.В. Застосування мікробних препаратів у сінажуванні / С.В.Чернюк, А.П.Загородній, О.О.Чернявський // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2015 .- Вип.1(116) .- С. 211-213.
Abstract: Викладено теоретичні та експериментальні матеріали використання мікробних консервантів у технології заготівлі та зберігання люцернового сінажу. Охарактеризовано основні переваги консервантів та перспективи їх використання. Досліджено інтенсивність процесів бродіння у сінажуванні люцерни із застосуванням мікробного препарату компанії «Піонер» (інокулянт 11Н50). Встановлено, що мікробні консерванти запобігають розвитку гнилісних мікроорганізмів, плісняви та грибків і тим самим забезпечують збереження вихідних властивостей сировини. Доведено, що використання бактеріальних заквасок є беззаперечно позитивним прийомом в технології заготівлі сінажу, який приводить до зменшення втрат сухої речовини у 1.1 та протеїну у 1,06 рази.
Description: Animal production volume increasing has a link with the feed development base of our country agricultural industry. Foremost, the feed basis consolidation needs to be done by means of the crop yield increasing, the best forage available technology conservation and elaboration, forage preservation, and the enhanced feed nutritive value. The silage making procedure is the most sustainable and the most technological accomplished way of the conservation feeds preparing. This method has a lot of advantages comparing with the grass conservation. The all compliance with the requirements gives the possibility to make the high quality forage in sufficient quantity. The long-term haylage capability without its quality indicators reducing enables to balance the feed stores for a few years. A.M. Mikhin (1937) noted that the aired-off mass was preserved in anaerobic conditions thanking to the plants physiological dryness. By the moisture of 45–55 % the plant cells keep it with the 50–52 atmospheres power capacity. And the atmospheres power capacity of microorganisms what use the nutrients equals this value as well. Therefore, the haylage microbiological processes go less intensively than silage ones. The important factor what indicates the preservation and the forage quality is the environment acid reaction. This acid reaction should be created with organic acids. The lactic acid and the acetic acid are mainly involved in this case. That is why we need to set up the definitive conditions for the life-sustaining lactic acids activity. The best way is the inoculants utilization during the forage preparation. We have the lack of the inoculants using knowledge in our country. The attention of our researchers focused on the silage trials where the preparation with the different preserving agents is. Herewith, nutritive losses and biochemical losses without inoculants are 20–30 % during the haylage preserving period. When we use inoculants losses are 7–15 %. The positive result was obtained with inoculants use. The main aim was to study the haylage inoculants efficiency. Organoleptic estimate of haylage was done after 60 days of its making. Haylage with inoculants and without inoculants had fruit-flavoured odor. Haylage without inoculants was affected with mould and its color was deep-green. The main condition and the quality decision are about the acid environment reaction that is created with organic acids. There were 4,6 points in the trial haylagein comparison with 4,8 points in the control one. Inoculants technological method of application, a good compaction and packing were developing the fermentative processes in the first preservation days. Fermentation and dry matter losses were reduced in this case aswell. We need to determine that the control haylage chemical group composition had less dry matter; protein and free-nitrogen extract indexes. 1 kg of the haylage without inoculants showed 12,2 % of dry matter less than the haylage with 11_55 inoculants. While as, the haylage with inoculants contained 6,3 % protein and 21,0 % free-nitrogen extract more than control group. This gives ground to guarantee the effective use of haylage inoculants and to be recommended for farmers. Our trial showed that intensive development of lactic-acid-producing-bacterium and acetic-acid-bacterium was in haylage with 11_50 inoculant where lactic and acetic acids had 2,89 %, and 0,82 % on dry basis accordingly. There were 0,83 % less and 0,3 % more inthetrial group than in the control one. Inoculants prevented the oleic acid development. The haylage without inoculants had 0,3 % ofoleic acid. As can be seen from the above, use of inoculants is a certain positive technology during the haylage making process. This leads to the avoiding of the dry matter decrease by 1,1 times and the protein losses by 1,06 times accordingly. Therefore, it means if the technology rules are not observed by farmers they will not have the positive results.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 636.085.053/.085.7
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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