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Title: Ефективність згодовування змішанолігандних комплексів Мангану, Купруму і Цинку голштинським коровам
Other Titles: Efficiency of mixed ligand complexes of Manganese, Copper and Zinc in feeding Holstein cows
Authors: Хавтуріна, Анна Володимирівна
Khavturina, Anna
Бомко, Віталій Семенович
Bomko, Vitalii
Keywords: високопродуктивні корови;раціон;премікс;мікроелементи;сульфати;змішанолігандний комплекс Zn,Cu i Mn;молочна продуктивність;витрати кормів;highly productive cows;diet;premix;trace elements;sulfates;mixed ligand complex of Zn, Cu and Mn;milk productivity;feed costs
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Хавтуріна А.В. Ефективність згодовування змішанолігандних комплексів Мангану, Купруму і Цинку голштинським коровам / А.В.Хавтуріна, В.С.Бомко // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2015 .- Вип.1(116) .- С. 199-203.
Abstract: Отримані дані під час проведення науково-господарського досліду в зоні степу України свідчать, що використання преміксів із змішанолігандними комплексами Цинку, або Купруму, або Мангану в поєднанні з сульфатами цих елементів позитивно впливають на молочну продуктивність голштинських корів на 1,23% відповідно Cu – 5,15% і Zn – 6,27%. Найкращі результати були отримані коли одночасно були введені в раціони корів 5-ї дослідної групи змішанолігандні комплекси Zn,Cu i Mn. Молочна продуктивність корів 5-ї дослідної групи збільшилась нав 12,01% а затрати корму зменшились на 1,29% порівняно з коровами 1-ї контрольної групи, в раціонах яких містились сульфатні солі цих мікроелементів. Валовий надій молока на корову 4-відсоткової жирності склав за використання змішанолігандних комплексів Zn,Cu i Mn за перших 100 днів 2695 кгв 1 контрольній групі, 2786 кг – в 2, 2945 – в 3, 3058 – в 4 і 3267 – в 5 дослідних групах за витрат кормів на 1 кг молока 0,707; 0,708; 0,703; 0,698 корм.од. відповідно.
Description: Dairy farming is one of the most effective livestock industries, providing valuable food for people. The adequate feeding decisive factor is its level, which is determined by the amount of energy, protein, essential amino acids, fats, carbohydrates and a wide range of biologically active substances to be entering the body with food in optimal proportions. The biologically active substances in highly productive cows diets often lack trace elements. Various premixes are used to enrich diet with trace elements. Therefore, the experimental study of the improved formulation of zonal premixes for highly productive Holstein cows using mixed ligand complexes of manganese, copper and zinc along with the study of their impact on productivity, metabolism, product quality and economic efficiency, has today an important scientific and economic value. Trace elements enhance the enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improve digestion and utilization of nutrients by the body and biologically active substances and thus improves feed efficiency and animal performance. Despite the fact that the main source of trace elements for animals is feed, yet due to increased need of highly productive animals for these elements and insufficient quantities of certain trace elements in food, trace elements salt is being administered in diet. With normalization of trace elements one should be aware that each mineral element plays an important role in vital functions of animals and between them is a close relationship that should be considered when creating new mineral feed additives. The purpose of research is to experimentally study the formulation of improved zonal premixes for highly productive Holstein cows using mixed ligand complexes of manganese, copper and zinc and to study their impact on the productivity and cost of feed per output unit. The research and economic experiment on the efficiency of using mixed ligand complex of manganese, copper and zinc for domestic production in Holstein cows feeding was carried out in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The cows for the experiment were selected on the 10–15-th day after calving by the principle of analogue age, date of last calving, body weight and milk production in the last lactation, daily milk yield and fat content. All selected cows were purebred counterparts with similar performance of their mothers and average fatness and were clinically healthy and kept under the same conditions. During the scientific and economic experiment in the equalization period all cows were fed the same rations on the basis of calculated daily milk yield with 4 % fat. Because cows were on their 2–3 week after calving and they had to renew milking, for the daily requirement of energy supply with the actual milk yield every cow was additionally added with two feed units of 2 kg feed. The diet composed of vetch-oat hay, alfalfa hay, corn silage, molasses and fodder. The mineral feed included table salt and calcium dyphosphate. The experimental cows diet in equalization period had the deficit amounting to 621.324 mg of Manganese, 101.76 mg of Copper, 1095.54 of Zinc, 15 mg of Cobalt and 18.84 mg of Iodine. To eliminate it the diets were added with sulfate salts of manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt and sodium iodide in grams per ton of fodder: 235.3; 35.9; 407.5; 6.04 and 1.86, respectively. For the experiment there were selected 50 cows of Holstein breed with 2–3 lactations, which were divided into five groups with 10 heads in each. In the experiment period all cows were fed with equalization diets and were continuously milked at the fodder cost. Trace elements diets for the 1st control group cows continued their balancing by sulphate salts and sodium iodide, for the 2nd experi mental group cows the manganese sulfate was substituted by manganese mixed ligand complex (243 g/t feed) for the 3rd experimental group cows copper sulfate was substituted by copper mixed ligand complex (50.8 g/t feed), for the 4th experimental group cows Zinc sulfate was substituted by zinc mixed ligand complex (379.9 g/t feed) and for the 5th experimental group manganese sulfate salts, copper and zinc was substituted by mixed legand complexes of manganese, copper and zinc (243; 50.8 and 379.9 g/t feed respectively). The use of above mentioned trace elements level was by 25 % lower as recommended. The average daily milk yield of experimental cows in equalization period was almost identical and fluctuated between 35.24–36.06 g milk with fat content of 3.61–3.63 %. In the first month of lactation, the first half of equalization period, and the second pilot, experimental cows ate almost the same amount of feed, but at the beginning of the second experimental month the experiment cows were better to eat coarse and succulent fodder and they increased milk yield compared to control, so they increased the daily feed amount. In connection with the above specified for a deeper assessment of the impact of different forms and levels of manganese, copper and zinc in the body of Holstein cows we assessed their milk production for the last 70 days in the first 100 days of lactation. The milk of experimental group cows when compared with the control, although not too noticeable, but clearly increased its protein content (3.28–3.39 against 3.28 % in control). Thus, according to the milk production of cows in the last 70 days period, one can see the positive effect of organic trace elements on animals. Organic forms of trace elements do not cause antagonistic action of one to the other.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 636.2.087.72
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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