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Title: Організаційно-економічні засади виробництва молока в Україні
Other Titles: Organizational and economic principles of milk production in Ukraine
Authors: Іванова, Любов Степанівна
Ivanova, Lubov
Keywords: сільськогосподарські підприємства;agricultural enterprises households;господарства населення;dairy cattle breeding;молочне скотарство;the livestock price;ціна;поголів’я
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Іванова Л.С. Організаційно-економічні засади виробництва молока в Україні / Л.С. Іванова // Економіка та управління АПК. - Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013. - Вип. 11(106). - С. 154-159.
Abstract: У статті розглядаються проблеми функціонування виробництва молока в господарствах різних організаційноправових форм господарювання. Особлива увага приділяється розгляду проблеми кризового стану молочного скотарства в сільськогосподарських підприємствах, а також оцінці племінної справи в господарствах корпоративного сектору. Деталізований аналіз здійснено щодо якості молока і ціни. Запропоновані заходи, які спрямовані на відродження молочного скотарства в Україні.
Description: Reform of agricultural production led to drastic changes in the organizational and economic conditions of the dairy cattle and other structures in the process of processing and marketing of dairy products. Because making unreasonable decisions to implement agrarian reforms that were focused on the preferred formation of small-scale production and market liberalization were: violation of economic relations, conflict arose many regulations, significantly minimized specialization, cooperation and integration; decreased efficiency of inputs, reduced levels of development of scientific and technological progress, limited use of the genetic potential of livestock, increased amounts payable for agricultural producers. The purpose of this paper is to study the problems of dairy processing in Ukraine on the basis of scientific analysis recommendations for organizational and economic sustainable and efficient production of dairy cattle in market conditions. The main obstacle in the innovative development way of domestic milk subcomplex was a significant narrowing of the resource and raw materials, and therefore a significant reduction in milk production. If this problem successfully resolves it will increase livestock, improve the species composition of dairy cows, and often enrich the feed diet, increase annual milk yield. Thus, in the first place there is a problem to slow decline and encourage agricultural producers to restore the dairy cattle capacity. The effective way to improve the gene pool has become embryos, using high cattle breeds from North America and Europe. Their production in Ukraine on the basis of established multiplication will be set up in 3-5 years. Born foreign origin calf and the surrogate mother will cost the customer about $ 300, while imports of live heifers are in 7–0 times more expensive. Another aspect is the problem of feed. There is a separate sector for the production of food but it currently stands at formation. It is closely related to the grain market. After all that was the forage taken at stable grain market, while in Ukraine it is not sufficiently balanced, particularly due to excessive grain export oriented economy. To overcome the crisis situation at the dairy market is only possible under such circumstances: intensification of dairy farming, sustainable use of the area resource potential, removing bureaucratic obstacles to improving the genetic potential of the herd, the intensive technologies use of milk production aimed at increasing the competitive goods production, including by structural changes in milk production in the reformed large-scale farms and cooperatives developing countries. Ddemographics is an important factor that leads to a rapid reduction in the number of households. This process is explained by a general population decrease in the rural area, moreover heavy daily works are associated with keeping cows and in this way milk production is becoming less attractive for rural youth. In Ukrainian agricultural enterprises households of raw milk quality is controlled by processors, thus determining its purchase price. Every plant puts its basic requirements in terms of whole milk production: fat UHT milk, cheese protein, white, freezing point. However, none milk standards GOST 3662-97 is unsatisfied with full norms. Farms production technology in the population which is produced and purchased – the lion's share of raw milk and it does not provide a stable production of high quality milk. To sum up, all the problems are interrelated and should be considered the in entire chain, and should be solved together.
ISSN: 2310-9262
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 65.011.47:338.512:636.034
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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