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Title: Вплив добавок германію в комбікорми на продуктивні якості гусенят, що вирощуються на м’ясо
Other Titles: Influence of Germanium supplement in to mixed fodder on productive qualities of goslings raised for meat
Authors: Гуньчак, Олена Володимирівна
Каплуненко, Володимир Георгійович
Gunchak, Olena
Kaplunenko, Volodymyr
Keywords: мікроелемент, Германій, доза, комбікорм, гусенята, продуктивність;microelement, Germanium, dose, mixed fodder, goslings, productivity
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: У науково-господарському досліді вивчено вплив різних доз введення Германію в комбікорми на продуктивні якості гусенят породи легарт. Встановлено, що згодовування гусенятам упродовж періоду вирощування комбікормів збагачених Германієм у дозах, що вивчалися, позитивно вплинуло на інтенсивність росту молодняку, його життєздатність та ефективність використання корму. Найбільш ефективною виявилася доза 0,20 мг/кг. Введення Германію до складу комбікорму у та; і кількості сприяло підвищенню живої маси гусенят на 2,3 %, їхньої збереженості - на 3,0 % та зниженню витрат корма на одиницю приросту продукції - на 2,5 %, порівняно з контрольною групою. Птиця цієї групи також вигідно відрізнилася від своїх ровесників з інших груп за Європейським показником ефективності виробництва. The scientific experiment was conducted to study the effect of different doses of germanium in mixed fodder on productive quality of goslings. The research was conducted at the clinics of Tulchyn College of Veterinary Medicine at the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University on the goslings breed Legart. The scientific economic experiment has been conducted for 70 days to determine the optimal introduction of germanium dose in to feeds. One-day goslings were divided into groups according to the principle of analogues. The first group served as a control one. The geese were being fed by the mixed fodder that consisted of balanced major nutrients and biologically active substances in accordance with current requirements for 70 days. Different amounts of germanium (0,15; 0,20 and 0,25 mg/kg) were given to different experimental groups of goslings. Experimental goslings were kept on the floor with free access to food and water during the raising period. Technological specifications and conditions in all groups were similar and met with the norms, recommended for the young geese. Analysis of the data shows that all the doses of germanium introduced into the diet contributed to increase the live weight by the end of the raising period. The best result was obtained in the third experimental group (4312,8 g). The difference com¬pared with the control group was 2,3 % and was statistically significant (P>0,95). The geese of the second and the fourth exper¬imental groups gained less live weight than the ones of the third group, but they exceeded the control group by 1,3 % and 1,6 % respectively. As the growth rate of young stock in groups for raising period (70 days) varied, so the absolute gain varied too, and there-fore it constituted 4115,6 g; 4171,3; 4214,3 and 4186,5 g respectively. During the raising period the average daily gain of the control group goslings was equal to 58,8 g and in the experimental groups it was higher by 1,4 % respectively (0,8 g); 2.4 % (1,4 g) and 1,7 % (1,0 g). It is work to mention the higher, compared with the control, relative growth rate of poultry in experimental groups (190,9— 191,1 % to 190,8%). Adding germanium in to the feeds in the quantity of 0,15 mg/kg, 0,20 and 0,25 mg/kg promoted the goslings survival in-crease in the second, third and fourth experimental groups in comparison with the control group respectively by 4,0 %, by 3,0 % and by 2.0 %. Survival of young poultry in the control group was 93,0 %. It should be noted that the causes of the gos¬lings loss during the experiment were different and did not depend on feeding. The accounting of feed used during the experiment period showed that the average daily consumption of feed by goslings of different groups was equal to the rate of consumption of the control group (231,5-232,2 and 231,0 g/h). However feed, spent for a live weight gain unit of goslings in experimental groups have decreased in the second group by 1.5 %, in the third by 2,5 % and in the fourth by 1,8 % and consequently made 3,88 kg, 3,84 and 3,87 kg. The European production efficiency index (EPE1) was used to compare the productive qualities of geese separately for P each group. Calculations showed that the poultry which received supplements of germanium in mixed fodder, differed advanta-geously from the one in the control group by better indicators. Thus, the value EPEI in the second experimental group was 152,5 units, in the third one 154,0 units and in the fourth n one 150,3 units, that is for 10,4 units. 11,9 and 8,2 units respectively higher than in the control group. Identified differencess' allow to define that in case of the introduction of germanium in mixed fodder at a dose of 0,25 mg/kg, decrease in quantity of EPEI is observed.
Description: Гуньчак О.В. Вплив добавок германію в комбікорми на продуктивні якості гусенят, що вирощуються на м'ясо / О.В. Гуньчак, В.Г. Каплуненко // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: зб. наук. праць. - Біла Церква, 2015. - Вип.1 (116).-С.156-159.
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 636.598.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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