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Title: Схожість та продуктивні властивості чоловічостирильного гібрида буряків цукрових залежно від технології підготовки насіння
Other Titles: Germination and productive properties muzhskosterilnogo hybrid sugar beet depending on the technology of preparation of seeds
Authors: Глеваський, Володимир Іванович
Hlevaskiy, Volodymyr
Keywords: буряк цукровий, триплоїдні гібриди, інкрустоване насіння, фракція насіння, схожість насіння, дражоване насіння.;sugar beet, pelleted seeds, incrusted seeds, triploid hybrids, see fraction, seeds germination.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: БНАУ
Citation: Глеваський В.І. Схожість та продуктивні властивості чоловічостирильного гібрида буряків цукрових залежно від технології підготовки насіння / В.І. Глеваський // Агробіологія : збірник наукових праць.- Біла Церква : БНАУ, 2013. -Вип.111(104). - С.64-67.
Abstract: Проведеними дослідженнями були визначені біологічні особливості і продуктивність чоловічостерильного триплоїдного гібрида «Олександрія» буряків цукрових залежно від технології підготовки насіння. Доведено, що якість дражованого насіння залежить від розміру технологічних фракцій. Встановлено, що плоди діаметром 3,0-3,50 мм навіть за високої енергії проростання і лабораторної схожості за нестачі вологи в грунті у весняний період дають низьку схожість, в подальшому зріджені посіви і як наслідок-низьку продуктивність буряків цукрових.
Description: Viznacheli biological features and productivity of CS triploid the hybrid of sugar beets depending on technology of preparation of seed. It is well-proven that quality of drazhovanogo seed depends on the size of technological factions. Seed are the important element of modern technologies of growing of sugar beets. Advantages of the best sort or can not be realized a hybrid without the use of high-quality seed. Therefore for the cost-effective growing of sugar beets with minimum expenses, for the receipt of high harvest of root crops it is necessary to sow seed with a germination 90-95%, odnorostkovistyu more than 90%, virivnyanistyu not less than 85%. Due to quality of preparation of seed to sowing, preseed treatment him by a protective-stimulant it is possible additionally to get matters a 10-12% harvest of sugar beets. From data of Zadlera V.V. [4] there is direct dependence between krupnistyu seed and by the productivity of root crops, namely, than more large seed, the the higher productivity of root crops. At sowing by seed with mass of 1000 nasinin the productivity of root crops made 20,1 grammes 271c/ga, and at sowing by seed with less mass of 1000 nasinin 17,6 grammes – only 245 c/hectare. An author marks positive zv''yazok between mass of 1000 nasinin and productivity of sugar beets. 8 herefore with the purpose of increase of the field germination and productivity of sugar beets it is expedient to delete the seed of shallow factions. Seed diametrom less than 3,5 mm in a bulk has the low field qualities and little productive. Productivity of root crops at sowing by such seed below on 8-12% what at sowing by more large seed. Factions of seed diametrom more large 3,5 mm in most experiments of noticeable difference in the productivity does not give. But between krupnistyu seed which is passed genetically and them does not have close connection production properties. Not always sorts or hybrids with large seed are most productive. Therefore not by chance selectionists select foremost not after the size of seed, but after the productivity, sacchariferousness, collection of sugar, technological qualities. Other authors of Logvinova V.A., Volgin V.V., ShevchenkO A.g. [6] prove that the sizes of seed of sugar beets do not influence on the productivity of this culture. At sowing by shallow seed diametrom 2,8 mm by comparison to the seed of more large factions of 3,5-4,5mm and 4,5-5,5 mm is observed only tendency of decline of the productivity of root crops, that conditioned less gustotoy of plants before collection. The sacchariferousness was identical at sowing seed by different factions. Researchers constantly conduct the searches of new components of bioshields and them the most optimum correlations. Prosecutions are conducted also of improvement of constructions of machines for drazhuvannya, by an improvement fiziko-mechanical properties of shell and methods of causing of components, by the improvement of sowing qualities of seed. Now almost all use the buryakosiyuchi countries of Western Europe for sowing only drazhovane or the encrusted seed. In our country, on this time all modern receptions of preseed preparation of seed are used little and need improvement. The purpose of researches consisted in the study of features of forming of harvest of sugar beets, sowing, the drazhovanim seed of different factions in a concrete area. The chart of experience included the followings variants: 1) sowing encrusted (faction 3,5-4,5 mm) - (control), 2) sowing by drazhovanim seed (faction 3,0-3,5 mm), 3) sowing by drazhovanim seed (faction 3,6-4,0 mm), 4) sowing by drazhovanim seed (faction 4,0-4,5 mm). It is set research, that garden-stuffs diametrom 3,0-3,50 mm even at high energy of germination and laboratory germination, at the lack of moisture in soil in a spring period give low skhozhit', in future fluidized sowing and in end-point low productivity of sugar beets. Energy of germination of seed of faction 3,0–3,5 mm was - 72 %, that on 22 % below than control - encrusted seed (factions 3,5-4,5 mm). An especially wide difference (41 %) between the indicated variant and control was after the amount of seed which germinated on the third day of proroschuvannya. The laboratory germination of the encrusted seed of faction 3,5-4,5 mm control - was 96 %, drazhovanogo seed of faction 3,6–4,0 mm -89 %, that on 7 % less than than control and 9 germination of drazhovanogo seed of faction 4,0–4,5 mm was – 91 %, below than control on 5 %. We were conduct the supervisions of dynamics of appearance of stair depending on the size of factions in the field terms on 14, 16, 18 day. At the insufficient amount of fallouts in May, 2013 a stair of sugar beets was uneven and prolonged. It is so set research, that the least amount of stair on 14 day – 51 %, 16 day -54 % and 18 day - 57% the drazhovanogo seed of faction had 3,0-3,5 mm, and most of stair in a variant control - the encrusted seed faction 4,5-5,5 mm on 14 day – 74 %, 16 day -75 % and 18 day – 82 %. In the drazhovanogo seed of faction 3,6-4,0 mm amount of stair on 14, 16, 18 day was 6 %, 69 %, 74 %. In the drazhovanogo seed of faction 4,0-4,5 mm an amount of stair in certain days was 64 %, 68 %, 72 %. In the conditions of central part of north Forest-steppe of Ukraine, on black earths typical where conducted research, the lowest productivity of root crops was got at sowing of sugar beets the drazhovanim seed of faction 3,0-3,5 mm – 41,2 t/ga and collection of sugar made from an area – 6,67 t/ga by comparison to control at the use of the encrusted seed of faction 3,5 – 4,5 mm where the productivity of root crops was more high on 13,0 t/ga, and collection of sugar – on 2,60 t/ga. At sowing by the drazhovanim seed of faction the productivity of root crops made 3,6–4,0 mm 52,8 t/ga, collection of sugar – 8,55 t/ga. At sowing by the drazhovanim seed of faction 4,0–4,5 mm the productivity of root crops was 53,4 t/ga, collection of sugar – 8,54 t/ga.
ISSN: 2310-9270
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: УДК 633.63.631.531.12
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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