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dc.contributor.authorГрибанова, Аліна Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorСоболев, Олександр Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorГрибанова, Алина Анатольевна-
dc.contributor.authorСоболев, Александр Иванович-
dc.contributor.authorGribanova, Alina-
dc.contributor.authorSobolev, Alexander-
dc.descriptionГрибанова А. А. Вплив добавок літію в комбікорми на якість м'яса гусенят / А. А Грибанова, О.І. Соболев // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць.- Біла Церква: БНАУ.- 2014.- №1 (110).-С.36-39.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВивчено вплив добавок різній доз літію (0,05; 0,10 та 0,15 мг/кг) в комбікорми на якість і безпеку продуктів забою 70- денних гусенят датської породи Легарт. Аналіз одержаних результатів досліджень виявив відмінності між контрольною та дослідними групами за хімічним складом м'язової тканини гусенят на користь останніх. Встановлено, що введення до складу комбікормів літію позитивно вплинуло на відкладання у м'ясі гусенят дослідних груп сухих речовин, білка та жиру, що сприяло підвищенню його енергетичної та біологічної цінності. Найкращі показники якості м'яса мав молодняк, якому в період вирощування згодовували комбікорми, збагачені літієм із розрахунку 0,1 та 0,15 мг/кг. Изучено влияние добавок разных доз лития (0,05; 0,10 и 0,15 мг/кг) в комбикорма на качество и безопасность про¬дуктов убоя 70-дневных гусят датской породы Легарт. Анализ полученных результатов исследований показал отличия между контрольной и опытными группами по химическому составу мышечной ткани гусят, в пользу последних. Уста¬новлено, что введение в состав комбикормов лития оказало положительное влияние на отложение в мясе гусят опыт¬ных групп сухих веществ, белка и жира, что способствовало повышению его энергетической и биологической ценнос¬ти. Наилучшие показатели качества мяса имел молодняк, которому в период выращивания скармливали комбикорма, обогащенные литием из расчета 0.1 и 0,15 мг/кг. Minerals are important components of adequate poultry feeding. Existing detailed feeding norms anticipate guaranteed mixed fodder supplements for poultry complex minerals. However, among the normalized elements there is no lithium. Lithium has antioxidant properties, increases the natural resistance of the body, affects the body's metabolism. The use of lithium as a feed additive stimulates the growth and development of birds, increases their survival, reduces the cost of feed per unit of live weight and improves the quality of the resulting product. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of different doses of lithium additives in feed on chemical composition and biological indicators of toxic meat geese. For the experimental materials we took goslings of Legart breed. Feeding the geese from one day old to 70 days of age was carried out by complete feed. Lithium was administered into feed for experimental groups goslings during the period of growing in such amount: (mg/kg) the second group - 0,05; the third - 0,10 and the fourth - 0,15. Goslings of control group received no supplement of lithium. It was established that muscle chest of goslings in research groups showed an increase in dry matter. Whereas in the control group goslings the figure was 25,2 %, in the second experimental group it was higher by 1.2 %, in the third - 1,6 (P<0,05) and in the fourth - 1,5 % (P<0,05).The breast muscle protein of experimental goslings groups tended to increase (respectively by 20.3 %, 20,4 and 20,6 % versus 19,6 % in the control group) with increasing doses of lithium administration in feed. The level of fat in the breast muscle of birds in experimental groups increased slightly. Relative to the control group difference was 0,2-0,6 %. The content of ash between groups does not have a substantial legitimate difference. The breast muscle amount of ash in control and three experimental groups, was similar and amounted 1.2 %, while their peers in the second experimental group was by 0,1 % lower, while in the fourth - by 0,1 % higher. Calculations showed that the energy value of 100 g pectoral muscle in the second experimental group was 125,7 kcal. in the third - and fourth 128,0 and 124,8 kcal, which is by 6.1 %. by 8.1 and by 5,4 % respectively higher than in control group. The relative biological value of breast muscle of experimental groups compared with the control group was higher by 3,0-Al %. Dry matter content in the leg muscles significantly increased in goslings from experimental groups. The difference in this index between the control and the second experimental group was 1.8 % (P<0,05), the third - 2,9 (P<0,01) and the fourth - 2,7 % (P<0,01). The protein content in leg muscles of second experimental group was by 0,5 %, the third - by 0,7 % (P<0,05) and the fourth by- 1,0 % (P<0,01) higher than goslings in the control group, where a similar figure was 18,5 %. Fat content in leg muscles of the second experimental group poultry, compared with the control group, significantly increased by 1,2 % (P<0,05), the third - 2.1 (P<0,01) and the fourth - 1,1 % (P<0,05). In leg muscles of geese in control group and four experimental groups ash content was the same, amounting to 1.1 %. Goslings in the second and third experimental groups \ie!ded bird control group for this indicator by 0,2 and 0,1 %, respectively. Significant differences between the control and experimental groups were established by the energy value of the leg muscles. The difference in favor of the latter amounted to 10." % (P<0,05), 17.2 (P<0,001) and 12,9 % (P<0,05). Higher (at 1.2-2,1 %) in geese of experimental groups compared with the control group , was also a relative biological value of the leg muscles. Thus, the introduction of lithium in animal feed positively influenced deposition of diy of matter in meat geese, protein and fat, which helped to increase its energy and biological value. Best meat quality was in goslings, which were fed during growing with feed enriched with lithium at a rate of 0.1 and 0.15 mg kg.uk_UA
dc.subjectлітій, комбікорм, гусенята, доза, м'ясо, хімічний склад, біологічна цінність.uk_UA
dc.subjectлитий, комбикорм, гусята, доза, мясо, химический состав, биологическая ценностьuk_UA
dc.subjectlithium, feed, goslings, dose, meat, chemical composition, biological value.uk_UA
dc.titleВплив добавок літію в комбікорми на якість м’яса гусенятuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВлияние добавок лития в комбикорма на качество мяса гусятuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe influence of additional lithium in combique on the quality of meat goslingsuk_UA
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