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dc.contributor.authorАндрійчук, Андрій Віталійович-
dc.contributor.authorАндрийчук, Андрей Витальевич-
dc.contributor.authorAndriichuk, Andrii Vitaliyovich-
dc.descriptionОстровський Д.М. Токсигенні властивості мікроміцетів Fusarium та Aspergillus / Д.М. Островський, Л.Є. Корнієнко, А.В. Андрійчук // Наук. вісник вет. медицини: зб. наук. праць. – Біла Церква: БНАУ, – 2017. – №.1. – С. 157-161uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВивчено токсигенний потенціал 39 видів грибів роду Fusarium та 22 штамів грибів Aspergillus flavus виділених із зерна пшениці. Серед них виявлені продуценти F-2 токсину – ­(зеараленону), дезоксиніваленолу, фумонізину В1, Т-2 токсину, невизначених трихотеценових мікотоксинів, коєвої, аспергілової та пеніцилової кислот. Результати досліджень показали, що із грибів виділених із зерна пшениці, три штами F. culmorum 1256/4, F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum 1241/3 та F. sporotrichiella var. poae 1210/5 продукували зеараленон, один F. graminearum 1273 – ДОН, три штами F. Moniliforme var. lactis 1210д/2, F. moniliforme var. lactis 1208/5 та F. oxysporum var. orthoceras 1206д/3 – фумонізин В1. Із 39 штамів грибів Fusarium – дванадцять продукували Т-2 токсин, серед них 8 F. sporotrichiella var. poae, 3 F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum та 1 Fusarium spp., п’ятнадцять штамів утворювали невизначені трихотеценові мікотоксини і жоден штам не продукував моніліформін.Изучено токсигенный потенциал 39 видов грибов рода Fusarium и 22 штаммов грибов Aspergillus flavus, по- лученных из зерна пшеницы. Среди них выявлены продуценты F-2 токсина – (зеараленона), дезоксиниваленола, фумонизина В1 , Т-2 токсина, неопределенные трихотеценовые микотоксины, коевой, аспергиловой и пеницило- вой кислот. Результаты исследований показали, что из грибов выделенных из зерна пшеницы, три штамма F. culmorum 1256/4, F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum 1241/3 и F. sporotrichiella var. poae 1210/5 продуцировали зеараленон, один F. graminearum 1273 – ДОН, три штамма F. moniliforme var. lactis 1210д/2, F. moniliforme var. lactis 1208/5 и F. oxysporum var. orthoceras 1206д/3 – фумонизин В1 . Из 39 штаммов грибов Fusarium – двенадцать продуцировали Т-2 токсин, среди них 8 F. sporotrichiella var. poae, 3 F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum и 1 Fusarium spp., пятнадцать штаммов синтезировали неопределенные трихотеценовые микотоксины и ни один штамм не продуцировал монилиформин. Nowadays, in the scientific literature and the World Wide Web, there is a significant amount of materials for the investigation of cases of mycotoxin poisoning or their discovery in grain feeds and food products. Thus, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Department, FAO, at the beginning of the 21st century, 25% of the grain crop was contaminated with mycotoxins, reports of contamination of even 80% of the world's grain crop were reported. Today more than 400 species of mycotoxins are known. The genera of molds that produce mycotoxins are related: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Claviceps, Neotyphodium, Myrothecium, Stachybotrys, Trichoderma, Trichothecium. Over the past 10 years, there has been a significant increase in mycotoxin contamination in Ukraine and in other countries where major crops are produced. All this takes the commodity grain not only from the category of food, but also makes it unfit for use on the feed. Cereal crops affect about 20 types of fusarium fungi, but the main attention due to the risk of contaminated grains by mycotoxins is given to Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. sporotrichioides, F. avenaceum, F. poae, F. sambucinum. They differ from each other for their cultural properties, morphological features of macro- and microconidia, in the presence or absence of chlamydospores. Of the 39 strains of fungi, Fusarium – twelve strains producing T-2 toxin among them – 8 F. sporotrichiella var. Poae, 3 F. sporotrichiella var. Tricinctum and 1 Fusarium spp., The fifteen strains formed – indeterminate trichothecene mycotoxins and no strain produced moniliformine. Another fifteen fungi strains produced Trichothecene mycotoxins, not defined by us, among them F. oxysporum var. Orthoceras – 4 strains, F. moniliforme var. Lactis – 3, F. sporotriciella var. Tricinctum – 4, F. graminearum – 2 and F. culmorum – 1. Analyzing the results obtained, it can be noted that T-2 toxin producers were identified in Kyiv – (7), Vinnytsa – (2), Transcarpathian – (1), Odessa – (1) regions and 1 strain producer was isolated from wheat grain from Germany Zearalenon was synthesized by strains isolated in the Kyiv and Transcarpathian regions, and producers of fumonisin B1 were found in the Kyiv and Odessa region. Trichothecene mycotoxins not identified were synthesized from strains from Vinnitsa, Chernigov, Transcarpathian, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odessa regions and from Germany. The conducted studies of aflatoxin producers in 22 fungi were not detected by Aspergillus flavus, 8 strains of fungus Aspergillus flavus produced coevine acid, 20 strains – aspergillum and only one – penicillic acid. Regarding distribution in region, the producers of coevinic acid were allocated in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Kirovograd, Chernihiv and Kyiv regions. Producers of aspergillic acid were isolated from Odesa, Vinnitsa, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kirovograd, Transcarpathian and Mykolayiv regions, and only one producer of penicillin was isolated in the Chernigiv region. Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини, 1’2017 162 Conclusions. Thus, the mycological researches have established a set of micromycetes that contaminate wheat grain from different physical and geographical regions. The difference in the contamination of grain with the fungi of the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium is detected, depending on the region of its cultivation. Mycotoxicological studies in the grains revealed the producers of T-2, F-2 toxins, DON, moniliformin, fumonisin B1, coev, aspergil, and penicillic acids. This information can be used to objectively assess the quality of grain products. In order to control the safety of grown crops, it is necessary to continuously monitor their contamination with mycotoxins and toxigenic micromycetes.uk_UA
dc.subjectфумонізин В1uk_UA
dc.titleТоксигенні властивості мікроміцетів Fusarium та Aspergillusuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТоксигенные свойства микромицет Fusarium и Aspergillusuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeToxigen properties of Fusarium and Aspergillus micromitsetsuk_UA
dc.identifier.udcУДК 619:615.918:633.15:582.28uk_UA
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