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Назва: Якість коренеплодів цукрових буряків вітчизняної та зарубіжної селекцій після зберігання
Інші назви: Guality of of sugar beets of domestic and foreign selections is after storage
Автори: Глеваський, Володимир Іванович
Hlevaskiy, Volodymyr
Ключові слова: цукрові буряки, гібриди, коренеплід, вітчизняна селекція, зарубіжна селекція, спільна селекція.;sugar beet, hybrids, root, domestic selection, overseas selection, common selection
Дата публікації: лис-2015
Видавництво: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Бібліографічний опис: Глеваський В.І. Якість коренеплодів цукрових буряків вітчизняної та зарубіжної селекцій після зберігання / В.І. Глеваський // Агробологія: зб-к наук. праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2015. - Вип. 2(121). - С.28-32.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Вивчено продуктивність гібридів цукрових буряків вітчизняної та зарубіжної селекцій під час зберігання. Установлено, що гібриди в умовах вирощування були уражені паршею, гнилями бурою, звичайною та поясковою, а деякі з них фузаріозною. Більше були уражені німецькі, шведські, меншою мірою гібриди української та спільної селекцій. Як видно з проведених досліджень, всі переваги більшості гібридів іноземного походження як у технологічній якості, так і урожайності були втрачені, навіть за короткострокового зберігання, особливо за високих температур повітря. Тому їх краще збирати і переробляти без зберігання як на початку виробничого сезону, так у період масового збирання буряків.
Опис: The productivity of hybrids of sugar beets of domestic and foreign selections is studied during storage. Established that hybrids in growing conditions were affected by scab, brown rot, regular and poyaskovoyu, and some fusarium. More affected were German, Swedish, Ukrainian lesser extent hybrids and common selections. As is evident from our research, the benefits of most hybrids foreign origin as in technological quality and productivity are largely lost even for short-term storage, especially at high temperatures. Therefore it is better to collect and process without storage. High productivity and technological quality of roots of modern hybrids manifested through heterosis effect and a high genetic potential of the original parental forms. This great merit belongs breeders who selected source material including not only the yield of roots and sugar content, but all the elements and features of the formation of the crop. Еxamination sugar beet crops during the growing season shows that rotting roots, their scab lesions most often found on the margins where plated hybrids of foreign origin. Thus, in the Vinnitsa region (Lyulynetska-settled Experimental Breeding Station) the number of decayed roots in hybrids Sonia, Extra, Pearl, Gala amounted to 10-15 %; in the Kiev region survey of several fields households showed that scab infestation hybrids Gala, Lena, Kiva reached 70 %, rot - up to 20-30 %. In domestic hybrids was not rotten root crops and scab affected - up to 25. Ukrainian hybrids nothave rotten roots, and scab affected - up to 25 %. Even when growing foreign hybrids for high technology in different soil-climatic zones of forest-steppe and steppe of Northern foreign hybrids are more disease amazed. Therefore, we have conducted a study on the performance of roots grown in similar agro-climatic conditions during storage. As a result of the economic crisis in Ukraine significantly reduced the volume of sugar beet growing and the volume of procurement of raw materials, which led to a decrease in the length of season of processing of the optimal 90 to 15-40 days. Duration of storage reduction. However, the total loss of beet sugar factories to high 3,8 %, and some are very high 5,1 %. After harvesting and during storage in the roots of sugar beet continued life processes. However, the processes of decomposition of sugars in the roots do not stop under the influence of new conditions dramatically amplified. Stops flow of water to the root causes drying beet. This results in increased respiration, and consequently, to an increase in losses of sugar. Because evaporation is disturbed turgor roots. Prolonged decay can lead to irreversible processes in cells and their extinction. Loss of moisture roots depends on the outside temperature, its relative humidity, degree of ripeness, size of roots. Among the processes occurring in beet roots during storage, a crucial role as the biological value and size sugar losses, caused them belong breathing. Respiration rate depends mainly on the temperature, composition of the atmosphere in the piles, the degree of fading , mechanical damage root. The aim of research was to evaluate the productivity of hybrids of domestic and foreign selections during storage. Experiments performed in the 2013-2014 biennium on experimental field. For research using hybrid seed of sugar beet domestic (Ramses, Prize, Umansky CHS 90), mutually (Vorsar) and foreign selection (German – Olesya KWS, Nastya KWS, swedish - Gazeta, Attack). Рroven after storage rotten hybrids had a common selection - 0.08 %, ukrainian materials - 0.17 %, the swedish hybrids - 0.24 %, germany - 0.45 %. In terms of average daily sugar losses during storage were the best hybrids joint selection, followed by ukrainian materials. It was established that the benefits of foreign origin hybrids technological quality and productivity are lost during storage beets.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://rep.btsau.edu.ua/handle/BNAU/1856
ISSN: 2310-9270
УДК: УДК 633.63.631.531.12
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