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dc.contributor.authorТрегуб, Микола Іларіонович-
dc.contributor.authorTregub, Mykola-
dc.identifier.citationТрегуб М.І. Науково-технічні основи безтрансмісійних вітроелектричних комплексів: автореф. дис. на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук [спец.] 05.09.03 «Електротехнічні комплекси та системи» / НУБіП України; М.І. Трегуб . - Київ, 2018. - 48 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractТрегуб М.І. Науково-технічні основи безтрансмісійних вітроелектричних комплексів. – На правах рукопису. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.03 – електротехнічні комплекси та системи. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, Київ, 2018 р. Дисертація присвячена вирішенню важливої актуальної науковоприкладної проблеми створення науково-технічних основ побудови безтрансмісійних вітроелектричних комплексів з виконанням кільцевого ротора на вітровій турбіні для розширення діапазону робочих швидкостей вітру. Актуальність теми обумовлена необхідністю доповнення науковотехнічної бази побудови безтрансмісійних вітроелектричних комплексів, що відповідає сучасній тенденції переходу провідних виробників на безмультиплікаторні вітроелектричні установки. Встановлені залежності конструктивних умов мінімізації магнітного моменту кільцевого ротора з феромагнітними полюсами у робочому повітряному проміжку дугового статора для зменшення пускового опору і магнітних пульсацій під час роботи. Основні результати роботи передані виробничим підприємствам енергетичного обладнання та сільськогосподарського машинобудування, де використані в процесах розробки та виготовлення експериментальних зразків безтрансмісійних вітроустановок, видані рекомендації для проектування комбінованих вітрогеліоколекторних систем. Методичні вказівки і лабораторний стенд впроваджені у навчальний процес Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України та Білоцерківського національного аграрного університету/ Tregub M. I. Scientific and technical bases of transmissionless wind power complexes.– The Manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.09.03–Electrotechnical complexes and systems. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the development of scientific and technical bases for the improvement of transmissionless wind electric complexes (WEC) in order to increase their energy efficiency by creating a new type of wind power installation (WPI) on the basis of a new electrical generator with a rational interaction of it in the mode of maximum power of a wind turbine (WT) with adjustable electric load. As a result of solving a complex of interrelated problems, the theoretical and technical basis for the design of the new generation is created, where the general design of the wind turbine, the types of blades, the impassable inductive-reactive electromechatronic system of a arc-stator generator with a ring rotor, a cascade method of converting mechanical energy into electric. The principle novelty of technical solutions is reflected in 6 patents of Ukraine for inventions and 17 patents for utility models. The technical level of traditional WEC on the basis of transmission generator sets and typical control systems still does not allow to effectively use local wind energy (WE) in agrarian production of Ukraine, where on the majority of its territory its average speed does not exceed 4.5 m/s, in which the use of WPI from low technical indicators is considered economically inexpedient. Currently, Chen H., Darie E., Dixon J., Hao C., Ogawa K, and Mueller M. are promising innovations based on switched reluctance generators with wind turbine maximum power control systems. However, even the most recent WEC of leading companies in the world are still projecting according to traditional principles based on the existing scientific and technical base, which needs substantial improvement. However, even the most recent WEI of leading firms in the world still design according to traditional principles based on the existing scientific and technical base, which needs substantial improvement. In particular, the search for effective ways to increase the velocity of the induction elements of no transmission low-turn generators, the expansion of the range of their capacities in the mode of maximum use of the WE at the same time at the minimum cost of electrical materials is still ongoing. According to the results of the generalization of the conclusions of theoretical and experimental research, a new scientific and technical concept of constructing innovative WEC based on non-transmitted arc stator induction and gate-reactive generators with a multi-pole coaxial ring rotor on a wind turbine has been substantiated, which, in contrast to the existing ones under the same conditions, provides a higher induction frequency, better manageability and a wider range of working capacities. The basis of the scientific and technical concept is the hierarchy of subordination of the target functions of the aeromechanical and electromechanical systems according to the degree of influence on the overall energy process. The new constructive scheme of the WEI is analyzed for the influence on aerodynamic processes using the theory of vortex movement of air environments and the assessment of the impact of the micro-relief of the wind tunnel surface of the WEI. The theoretical positions of constructing mathematical models of the wind electromechanical system according to the scheme of interconnected objective parameters of the aeromechanical, magnetic and electrical subsystems are supplemented and justified on the basis of the balance of moments, a new principle of adaptive control of the WEC. The functional scheme of the WEC, in which the algorithms of distribution of the electric power received from the wind flow into two channels are grounded, one of which is adjustable, depending on the power consumption of autonomous load and instantaneous power of the wind turbine. The expediency of the energy utilization channel WEC with the regulated load is substantiated not only in systems of autonomous type, but also in systems operated by the electricity system in the hours of daily electricity consumption failures in the power system. In this case, the energy advantages of the energy utilization channel of the electromechanical transformation of the WE with the minimum number of stages of energy transformations and less losses are substantiated. The estimated general technical requirements of energy consumption in various agricultural technological processes, which can be as energy utilization, for example, electrothermal, electrochemical, optical. In line with the created scientific and technical concept, a new methodological approach to the typological and constructive design of contactless duplex aerial electromechanical converters with a coaxial ring rotor and its ferromagnetic pole elements and an auxiliary magnetic suspension in the working air gap on the basis of the energy hierarchy of cross-system target functions was developed. At the same time solved the problems of rational configuration of a magnetic system with a coaxial ring rotor on which the passive ferromagnetic pole elements are installed. For such an electromechanical system, a new theoretical base of calculation was required, which is essentially different from the ones existing for typical electric machines. Proceeding from the justified restrictions, the problem of analyzing the electromechanical system based on the theory of magnetic circles and field methods was made. The analytical method analyzes the energy processes of electromechanical transformations in the WEC on the basis of an induction arc stator power generator with a ring rotor. The functional and mathematical models of the aeromechanical system with lumped parameters are constructed. The mathematical model in the form of a system of equations of the balance of tourques has allowed to describe the functional dependencies of the controlled electromagnetic tourque with the regulated load current and to develop an electrical scheme for the implementation of a nonradiation electromechanical system with cascade excitation of valve-reagent modules of an arc stator. It is established that a rational version of implementation of separate modules of an arc stator in the proposed electromechanical system is a monoblock magnetoelectric type that constantly operates in a generator mode with the simultaneous identification of the position of the ring rotor and a different number of single-packet modules of the electromagnetic type on a common housing, which, with the help of a microcontroller, operate in the valve mode jet electric machine. The construction of such a system provides continuous controlled navigation of the WEI in adaptive mode, since the maximum power of the WT is fundamentally possible only at a variable speed of its rotation when changing the wind speed. For the first time the methodology of optimization of radial geometric dimensions of a ring rotor was grounded on the basis of a joint analysis of the restrictions of the objective functions and laws of aeromechanical and electrodynamics of aeromechanical and electromagnetic systems. The laboratory bench of the axial low-rotation generator was produced and methodological guidelines for laboratory and practical works of the Faculty of Energy and Automatics in National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.uk_UA
dc.subjectбезтрансмісійний вітроелектричнийкомплекс, дугостаторний індукторний та вентильно-реактивний генератор, кільцевий ротор.uk_UA
dc.subjectwind-electric complex, wind-electric installation, transmissionless, inductor-jet generator, arc stator, ring rotor, field analysis.uk_UA
dc.titleНауково-технічні основи безтрансмісійних вітроелектричних комплексівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeScientific and technical foundations of transmissionless wind-electric complexesuk_UA
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